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Wednesday, February 23, 2022

How To Make DIY Wood Wall Art with Power Carving

Diy Wood Carving Wall Art hanging in a living room

Diy Wood Carving Wall Art Fh22apr 617 55 026

Take safety seriously

Fh22apr 617 55 031

This DIY wood wall art piece was made with an angle grinder, a handheld tool that spins at 10,000 revolutions per minute (rpm) or more.

When a spinning carving wheel hits the wood, the dust and wood chips fly everywhere. A face shield is a must; I go with safety goggles and a long-sleeved shirt, too. Because my hands are so close to the wheel, I always wear gloves and keep the side handle in place. Clamp down your workpiece and make sure the chips are flying away from anything they can harm.

Draw the Contours for the DIY Wood Wall Art

To make my DIY wood wall art design (see Step 7), I began by drawing lines to indicate the highest contour — the peaks. I followed the grain but also deviated from it to create interesting crossing patterns. Sketch your lines with a pencil. Once you like the shapes, go over them with a white china pencil.

Diy Wood Carving Wall Art Fh22apr 617 55 011

Article source here: How To Make DIY Wood Wall Art with Power Carving

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