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Thursday, December 14, 2023

How To Turn on a Water Heater and Adjust Its Temperature

I recently moved into a newer home and one of the first things we needed to do was turn on the water heater. The good news was that most newer homes with a gas water heater use an electric ignition that sparks the pilot light so there wasnt a need to light it manually. But thats just newer gas water heaters, of course there are also electric and even tankless water heaters you might encounter as a renter or homeowner.

The type of water heater you have will determine which steps you take to turn it on or reset it. Make sure to review your water heaters manual or its instructions, which are most likely located on the water heater itself.

Whether you are turning on a water heater or are trying to reset it because of hot water issues, make sure the water tank is full.

Before getting started, check that the tank is full. If its not, the tank could get damaged when the heating system starts up. To do this, simply turn on a hot water faucet, and if it sputters air, the tank isnt completely full. Following a recent water heater installation, or one that has just been flushed, check that the water supply valve is open.

If you are having issues with hot water and residual air is coming out of the faucet, this might mean there is a leak, or something isnt working correctly. If this is the case, call a service technician to come out and evaluate your water tank.

If the faucet runs smoothly, go through the following steps to turn on or reset the water heater.

How To Turn On or Reset a Gas Water Heater With an Electric Ignition

Review the safety information

Be sure to review the safety information that is located on your water heater. Those instructions may differ from what is listed here. This kind of water heater has an ignition device that automatically lights the pilot light.

CAUTION: Never attempt to light the pilot light by hand on a water heater with an electric ignition.

How To Turn On A Water Heater And Adjust Its Temperature Review the safety information

Article source here: How To Turn on a Water Heater and Adjust Its Temperature

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