Meal Prep Delivery

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

16 Clever Space Saving Ideas for Your Garage

Build a Compact Folding Workbench with Storage

Here’s a workspace that’s huge and accessible from all sides yet folds up and stows away easily. If you don’t have room for a full-size permanent workbench but really need space to spread things out, this workbench is it. It opens to a solid 4 x 7-ft. surface with both wings up yet closes and rolls into a small 4-ft. x 18-in. spot in a corner of the room. It’s a perfect workspace for the garage or basement. Plus: Check out 13 more super-simple workbenches you can build.

Article source here: 16 Clever Space Saving Ideas for Your Garage

Article source here:

PEX Supply Pipe: Everything You Need to Know

PEX pipe

What is PEX Piping?

PEX costs less than half the price of copper and installs much faster. And since it’s flexible, PEX makes remodeling jobs easier. PEX has a strong “memory”; it always wants to spring back to its original shape. So working with a coil of PEX is like wrestling with a giant Slinky. For most jobs, you’re better off buying 10-ft. “sticks” instead. You may have to pay a few cents more per foot and install a coupler or two, but you’ll avoid frustration and kinks. Even plumbers who run miles of PEX every year often buy sticks rather than coils.

Article source here: PEX Supply Pipe: Everything You Need to Know

Article source here:

Can You Get Sick from Toilet Seats?

17 Little Things Everyone Forgets to Clean — But Shouldn’t



Your fridge could make you sick if you don’t clean it every once in a while. NSF International swabbed 20 Michigan kitchens as part of its 2013 Household Germ Study, and two of the germiest places were the vegetable and meat compartments in refrigerators. First, unplug the fridge and empty it out. Toss old containers and expired food, and wipe everything down with multipurpose spray. Soak drawers in warm water and scrub them clean with dish soap.

Article source here: 17 Little Things Everyone Forgets to Clean — But Shouldn’t

Top Home Tech for Video Calling

10 Worst Garden Pests and How to Get Rid of Them

Garden mole


Moles are amazing underground tunnelers that chase down grubs and parasites while devastating your lawn and garden. They may not intend to target your veggies, but they can do an incredible amount of damage while pursuing their prey.

How to Get Rid of Moles

Unfortunately, crushing their tunnels is ineffective and most moles will simply dig around live traps. The most common way to deal with moles is to either plant poisoned bait in the tunnels, or redirect them by saturating the mole hills (where they exit and enter their tunnel system) with a liquid they find distasteful, like castor oil.

Article source here: 10 Worst Garden Pests and How to Get Rid of Them

20 Home Decor Trends on Their Way Out

Industrial Lighting trends

Industrial Everything

Edison bulbs, exposed brick, all that metal—there is such a thing as too much industrial. If you want to go for an industrial look, stick with just a couple elements such as a pegboard backsplash or some modern pendant lights.

Article source here: 20 Home Decor Trends on Their Way Out

Sprinkler Repair: How to Unclog Sprinklers

11 Brilliant Ways to Fix a Zipper

how to fix a zipper on a bag

How to Fix a Zipper On a Bag

If you have a broken zipper on your bag, you can begin fixing it by removing the old zipper slider off the zipper. To do this, bring the slider to the top of the zipper. You can use a seam ripper to remove fabric stitching if needed. You’ll also want to make sure you remove the zipper stop, if there is one, by cutting it with pliers. Once the zipper slider is off, you’ll want to slide a new one on from the top of the zipper, making sure the zipper slider’s nose is facing toward the top of the zipper. Now you’ll want to attach a new zipper top stop onto the top of the zipper. You can do this using pliers. Here’s how to fix a stubborn jacket zipper with WD-40, as well as brilliant other ways to use WD-40.

Article source here: 11 Brilliant Ways to Fix a Zipper

16 Clever Space Saving Ideas for Your Garage

Build a Compact Folding Workbench with Storage

Here’s a workspace that’s huge and accessible from all sides yet folds up and stows away easily. If you don’t have room for a full-size permanent workbench but really need space to spread things out, this workbench is it. It opens to a solid 4 x 7-ft. surface with both wings up yet closes and rolls into a small 4-ft. x 18-in. spot in a corner of the room. It’s a perfect workspace for the garage or basement. Plus: Check out 13 more super-simple workbenches you can build.

Article source here: 16 Clever Space Saving Ideas for Your Garage

PEX Supply Pipe: Everything You Need to Know

PEX pipe

What is PEX Piping?

PEX costs less than half the price of copper and installs much faster. And since it’s flexible, PEX makes remodeling jobs easier. PEX has a strong “memory”; it always wants to spring back to its original shape. So working with a coil of PEX is like wrestling with a giant Slinky. For most jobs, you’re better off buying 10-ft. “sticks” instead. You may have to pay a few cents more per foot and install a coupler or two, but you’ll avoid frustration and kinks. Even plumbers who run miles of PEX every year often buy sticks rather than coils.

Article source here: PEX Supply Pipe: Everything You Need to Know

Amazon Alexa Skills Tutorial: Using Amazon Echo With

As you probably know, Alexa can do a lot of cool things. She can help you meet your goals, find recipes on the fly and even take care of your pet. But as homeowners, many of us are concerned about, well, keeping our property and those inside it safe. Don’t worry-Amazon Alexa skills can help you with that, too.

Before we get started listing the ways Alexa can protect your home, there are a few points we first need to address:

  • This article is for families with home security devices
  • You will need to download the Amazon Alexa app on your phone
  • You will also need to download the app on your phone

Now that the house rules are out of the way, let’s dive into why you’ll want to use Alexa’s Smart Home skill. First, this integration gives you the power to control security systems and smart devices with just the sound of your voice. This means you can get secure quickly and often without even getting up from off the couch.

How to Set Up Amazon Echo with

One of the great things about integrating your Alexa device with the application is how simple the process is to complete. A few steps are all it takes for hands-free control of your security devices.

  1. Choose your Alexa enabled device, such as the Amazon Echo or Amazon Echo Dot
  2. Enable the skill by going to your Amazon Alexa app
  3. Open the pop-out menu on the left side of the screen
  4. Select “Skills and Games”
  5. Search for “”
  6. Select the first “”, click “enable” to use and sign in to your account to link.
  7. Select “allow” to give your device access to security features
  8. Create a verbal pin that you will use in response to security features

After following these eight steps, you can begin asking Alexa to control your smart home security equipment.

Don’t have any security devices linked to your application yet? To add your essential devices, like an alarm panel, smart locks or lights, just open the pop-out menu on the app. Next, select the device you want to add and follow the provided on-screen instructions to integrate the device.

A black Amazon Echo with a blue light ring is on a beige background beside a large, green plant leaf.

Using Amazon Alexa Skills for Different Voice Commands

Now comes the fun part: asking Alexa to do stuff for you.

Keep in mind that in order for Alexa to control your smart home equipment, you must first establish names for each unique device. According to Amazon, you can do this in two ways:

Use the name that already exists on your account. One major downside to this is the name might be long, clunky and just not as fun to say to Alexa. You might also want something simpler for your children to use if they need to control a smart device.
Establish an Alexa group, like your Kitchen or Living Room. Then add the device to that group and you’ll be able to control those devices by the group name.

After naming your device, you can start calling on Alexa for help. Some different voice commands you can use include:


Smart Thermostats

“… turn the kitchen to 74 degrees.”
“… increase the kitchen temperature.”
Note: These example phrases are linked to an account with a smart thermostat named “kitchen”.

Smart Lights

“… turn off the bedroom light.”
“… brighten the bedroom light.”
“… set the bedroom light to 65%.”
Note: These example phrases are linked to an account with a smart light named “bedroom light”.

“Alexa, ask…”

“… to disarm the alarm panel”
Note: You will need to speak your disarming code.
“… to Arm Stay my system.”
“… to lock my front door.”

A mother and father sit with their young son between them on the couch while reading him a story book.

Enhance Your Smart Home with Protect America

This concludes our Amazon Alexa Skills tutorial. We hope these steps help keep you more connected and in control of your home. Often, the difference between having a secure and insecure property is just our ability to use the equipment we purchase to keep us safe. If you have any additional concerns about keeping your home secure, browse our blog. A quick search is all it takes to find an answer to your most urgent home security inquiry.

The post Amazon Alexa Skills Tutorial: Using Amazon Echo With appeared first on Protect America Blog.

Article source here: Amazon Alexa Skills Tutorial: Using Amazon Echo With

Amazon Alexa Skills Tutorial: Using Amazon Echo With

As you probably know, Alexa can do a lot of cool things. She can help you meet your goals, find recipes on the fly and even take care of your pet. But as homeowners, many of us are concerned about, well, keeping our property and those inside it safe. Don’t worry-Amazon Alexa skills can help you with that, too.

Before we get started listing the ways Alexa can protect your home, there are a few points we first need to address:

  • This article is for families with home security devices
  • You will need to download the Amazon Alexa app on your phone
  • You will also need to download the app on your phone

Now that the house rules are out of the way, let’s dive into why you’ll want to use Alexa’s Smart Home skill. First, this integration gives you the power to control security systems and smart devices with just the sound of your voice. This means you can get secure quickly and often without even getting up from off the couch.

How to Set Up Amazon Echo with

One of the great things about integrating your Alexa device with the application is how simple the process is to complete. A few steps are all it takes for hands-free control of your security devices.

  1. Choose your Alexa enabled device, such as the Amazon Echo or Amazon Echo Dot
  2. Enable the skill by going to your Amazon Alexa app
  3. Open the pop-out menu on the left side of the screen
  4. Select “Skills and Games”
  5. Search for “”
  6. Select the first “”, click “enable” to use and sign in to your account to link.
  7. Select “allow” to give your device access to security features
  8. Create a verbal pin that you will use in response to security features

After following these eight steps, you can begin asking Alexa to control your smart home security equipment.

Don’t have any security devices linked to your application yet? To add your essential devices, like an alarm panel, smart locks or lights, just open the pop-out menu on the app. Next, select the device you want to add and follow the provided on-screen instructions to integrate the device.

A black Amazon Echo with a blue light ring is on a beige background beside a large, green plant leaf.

Using Amazon Alexa Skills for Different Voice Commands

Now comes the fun part: asking Alexa to do stuff for you.

Keep in mind that in order for Alexa to control your smart home equipment, you must first establish names for each unique device. According to Amazon, you can do this in two ways:

Use the name that already exists on your account. One major downside to this is the name might be long, clunky and just not as fun to say to Alexa. You might also want something simpler for your children to use if they need to control a smart device.
Establish an Alexa group, like your Kitchen or Living Room. Then add the device to that group and you’ll be able to control those devices by the group name.

After naming your device, you can start calling on Alexa for help. Some different voice commands you can use include:


Smart Thermostats

“… turn the kitchen to 74 degrees.”
“… increase the kitchen temperature.”
Note: These example phrases are linked to an account with a smart thermostat named “kitchen”.

Smart Lights

“… turn off the bedroom light.”
“… brighten the bedroom light.”
“… set the bedroom light to 65%.”
Note: These example phrases are linked to an account with a smart light named “bedroom light”.

“Alexa, ask…”

“… to disarm the alarm panel”
Note: You will need to speak your disarming code.
“… to Arm Stay my system.”
“… to lock my front door.”
“What temperature is it in here?”

A mother and father sit with their young son between them on the couch while reading him a story book.

Enhance Your Smart Home with Protect America

This concludes our Amazon Alexa Skills tutorial. We hope these steps help keep you more connected and in control of your home. Often, the difference between having a secure and insecure property is just our ability to use the equipment we purchase to keep us safe. If you have any additional concerns about keeping your home secure, browse our blog. A quick search is all it takes to find an answer to your most urgent home security inquiry.

The post Amazon Alexa Skills Tutorial: Using Amazon Echo With appeared first on Protect America Blog.

Article source here: Amazon Alexa Skills Tutorial: Using Amazon Echo With

Article source here:

Sanitize vs. Disinfect: What’s the Difference?

This Penny Hack Will Save Your Plants from Blight

Target Is Pausing In-Store Returns for Three Weeks

While we all settle in and purchase essentials via delivery, retailers are hard at work making shopping less worrisome for employees and customers. Costco stopped accepting returns on high-demand items like toilet paper and Lysol for the time being. Now Target has come out with an even broader policy.

For three weeks, Target will not accept in-store returns on any items. But that doesn’t mean you can’t get your money back.

Why the Pause on Returns?

According to Target CEO Brian Cornell, the chain is making some changes to keep shoppers and employees safe. That means more vigorous cleaning around the stores, ensuring social distancing between customers at the registers, and temporarily halting in-store returns. All this to avoid further spreading of COVID-19.

“To be extra cautious, Target will stop accepting in-store product returns and exchanges for the next three weeks — but don’t worry if you have a return that expires during that period, because we’ll still honor them three weeks past the holding period,” Cornell said in a press release. You can find the entire release here.

What Else Is Changing at Target?

On top of a rigorous cleaning schedule, Target will no longer permit customers to bring in reusable grocery bags. Target is offering paper bags, though, so you can skip the plastic ones. They’re also setting aside the first hour of every Tuesday and Wednesday for seniors to shop, allowing their most vulnerable customers to get what they need.

Target is cleaning registers after every customer use, so you won’t have to bring your own wipes. All in-store CVS pharmacy locations are staying open as well. Target is doing their all to keep us safe, and we’ve got nothing but praise for their hard work!

See how home improvement stores are safely fulfilling orders during the coronavirus outbreak.


Article source here: Target Is Pausing In-Store Returns for Three Weeks

Article source here:

What Is a Chop Saw?

10 Products Grilling Gurus Should Be Buying on Amazon

grilling burgers

Finishing Touches: Cheese Melting Dome

Once you’ve cooked your burger to perfection, a cold slice of cheese on top just won’t do. The Nordic Ware 365 Indoor/Outdoor Cheese Melting Dome is a 9-inch aluminum dome meant to be placed over your cooked, cheese-topped patties, which melts the cheese just right without overcooking your meat. Reviewers say it also works great for putting the finishing touches on fried eggs, grilled veggies and grilled sandwiches.

Shop Now

Article source here: 10 Products Grilling Gurus Should Be Buying on Amazon

Article source here:

Monday, March 30, 2020

Sanitize vs. Disinfect: What’s the Difference?

This Penny Hack Will Save Your Plants from Blight

Target Is Pausing In-Store Returns for Three Weeks

While we all settle in and purchase essentials via delivery, retailers are hard at work making shopping less worrisome for employees and customers. Costco stopped accepting returns on high-demand items like toilet paper and Lysol for the time being. Now Target has come out with an even broader policy.

For three weeks, Target will not accept in-store returns on any items. But that doesn’t mean you can’t get your money back.

Why the Pause on Returns?

According to Target CEO Brian Cornell, the chain is making some changes to keep shoppers and employees safe. That means more vigorous cleaning around the stores, ensuring social distancing between customers at the registers, and temporarily halting in-store returns. All this to avoid further spreading of COVID-19.

“To be extra cautious, Target will stop accepting in-store product returns and exchanges for the next three weeks — but don’t worry if you have a return that expires during that period, because we’ll still honor them three weeks past the holding period,” Cornell said in a press release. You can find the entire release here.

What Else Is Changing at Target?

On top of a rigorous cleaning schedule, Target will no longer permit customers to bring in reusable grocery bags. Target is offering paper bags, though, so you can skip the plastic ones. They’re also setting aside the first hour of every Tuesday and Wednesday for seniors to shop, allowing their most vulnerable customers to get what they need.

Target is cleaning registers after every customer use, so you won’t have to bring your own wipes. All in-store CVS pharmacy locations are staying open as well. Target is doing their all to keep us safe, and we’ve got nothing but praise for their hard work!

See how home improvement stores are safely fulfilling orders during the coronavirus outbreak.


Article source here: Target Is Pausing In-Store Returns for Three Weeks

What Is a Chop Saw?

10 Products Grilling Gurus Should Be Buying on Amazon

grilling burgers

Finishing Touches: Cheese Melting Dome

Once you’ve cooked your burger to perfection, a cold slice of cheese on top just won’t do. The Nordic Ware 365 Indoor/Outdoor Cheese Melting Dome is a 9-inch aluminum dome meant to be placed over your cooked, cheese-topped patties, which melts the cheese just right without overcooking your meat. Reviewers say it also works great for putting the finishing touches on fried eggs, grilled veggies and grilled sandwiches.

Shop Now

Article source here: 10 Products Grilling Gurus Should Be Buying on Amazon

The 10 Best Apps for Video Calls

Whether you’re after clarity on a work project or simply want to connect with your people, video calling apps deliver the virtual face time you seek. We rounded up 10 popular options, including a handy table outlining the benefits and limitations of each. They’re all free to some degree, so try out a few that look like winners to help zero in on the best video calling option for you.

Google Duo

Duo is Google’s video calling solution that succeeded Google Hangouts, and it’s specifically designed for stability on weak or low-speed connections. Users call it reliable and simple, and the grid view allows you to see everyone in a group call at once. It’s available on all major platforms, so you’ll be able to connect with people no matter what phone or computer they have. Pair this app with the Nest Hub Max for a great stand-alone option, allowing, say, tech-phobic grandparents to start a call with a simple voice command and see the person they’re calling on the Nest Hub’s screen.


If you have an iPhone, you know about FaceTime, which introduced legions of smartphone users to the beauty of a video call. With the well-refined interface that Apple is known for, initiating or receiving calls is super easy and intuitive from the app, from your contacts or from notifications and other context menus. FaceTime includes a host of features like live photo capture (so you can take pictures during your call), Memoji/Animoji (cartoon heads that go over your head like a puppet) and call recording capability on Mac computers. Though you can’t FaceTime an Android user, FaceTime’s simplicity and ease-of-use can be an attractive option to get older generations connected with video calling.

Zoom Meetings & Chat

Popular in professional settings, Zoom has appeal for personal uses, too. It’s easy to invite first-timers — they can join a call without logging in or install an app. Some experts are wary of Zoom for how it handles personal data, as well as its ability to monitor and report to meeting organizers when you switch to other windows on your computer. That said, Zoom is a uniquely reliable and capable tool. Plus it’s free for groups up to 100, with a 40-minute time limit. Its gallery view is particularly good for big-group meetings because it can display many participants on screen at once (up to 49, depending on your computer’s processing power).


If your top priority is a secure and privacy-respecting option, check out Signal, an app put out by a nonprofit organization focused on user-supported development and privacy preservation. On the “con” side, you’re limited to one-to-one video calling. If that’s not a deal-breaker, know that users report that it works quickly and reliably, even on slow networks. Encryption is standard and always on.

Microsoft Teams

Teams has become a powerful tool in the Office 365 ecosystem, offering robust collaborative work features like file sharing, calendar sharing and collaborative editing. They’ve recently released it for free use with some limitations, like file storage, while the full feature set is available to Office 365 customers only. Teams’ four-person limit for video calls has driven many to Zoom. But if that’s not an issue for you, Teams could be a great option for work or personal use.

Facebook Messenger

Dedicated Facebook users already know about Messenger, a full-featured text and video calling platform integrated into the popular social media platform. This is only an option for those with Facebook accounts. But if you and the people in your circles have them, the quick, integrated access and ease of connecting from a platform you’re already using is a plus. It offers all kinds of fun features, too, like stickers and emojis, a camera mode for capturing photos, and overlay filters for use during video calls.


WhatsApp is another entry in the Facebook orbit — the social networking giant acquired it in 2014 — but it also stands on its own as a solid video calling platform known for secure encrypted connections. WhatsApp rose to worldwide popularity thanks in part to easy of use and lack of text messaging fees. But secure, reliable video calling capabilities make it the most popular global platform for messaging, voice and video calling, with two billion users worldwide and hundreds of millions in India alone.


Skype was an early player in the video calling game, released in 2003 and expanding to more than 600 million users worldwide by 2010. It’s currently available on all popular mobile and computer platforms, emerging as the go-to video calling option for Alexa devices with screens (the Echo lineup), and for Xbox, too. Though this granddaddy of video calling is no longer cutting edge among competing apps, it still offers attractive work features such as file sharing, group screen sharing, and a group grid view so you can see everyone on screen at once.


Discord should be your first stop if you’re looking to talk with friends while playing PC games. It offers chat and voice calling capability across all the usual mobile and computer platforms, and video calling via its Windows app only. It allows you to set up your own Discord “server,” as well as sub-channels for organizing topics, and invite anyone to join. And it shines as a game-streaming platform with in-game overlay options, the ability to run it in a browser, and efficient lightweight coding that doesn’t tax your computer’s resources.


Houseparty is a great option if you’re looking for some little side games to play while video calling with friends. You see and talk with your friends face-to-face on screen while playing mini-games together at the same time like Heads Up, Quick Draw and Trivia. Content tends to be geared toward older kids and adults, and not so much toward young children. You can connect up to eight people at once, and automatically connect via Facebook or Snapchat to see friends who already have the app.

Article source here: The 10 Best Apps for Video Calls

Article source here:

The 10 Best Apps for Video Calls

Whether you’re after clarity on a work project or simply want to connect with your people, video calling apps deliver the virtual face time you seek. We rounded up 10 popular options, including a handy table outlining the benefits and limitations of each. They’re all free to some degree, so try out a few that look like winners to help zero in on the best video calling option for you.

Google Duo

Duo is Google’s video calling solution that succeeded Google Hangouts, and it’s specifically designed for stability on weak or low-speed connections. Users call it reliable and simple, and the grid view allows you to see everyone in a group call at once. It’s available on all major platforms, so you’ll be able to connect with people no matter what phone or computer they have. Pair this app with the Nest Hub Max for a great stand-alone option, allowing, say, tech-phobic grandparents to start a call with a simple voice command and see the person they’re calling on the Nest Hub’s screen.


If you have an iPhone, you know about FaceTime, which introduced legions of smartphone users to the beauty of a video call. With the well-refined interface that Apple is known for, initiating or receiving calls is super easy and intuitive from the app, from your contacts or from notifications and other context menus. FaceTime includes a host of features like live photo capture (so you can take pictures during your call), Memoji/Animoji (cartoon heads that go over your head like a puppet) and call recording capability on Mac computers. Though you can’t FaceTime an Android user, FaceTime’s simplicity and ease-of-use can be an attractive option to get older generations connected with video calling.

Zoom Meetings & Chat

Popular in professional settings, Zoom has appeal for personal uses, too. It’s easy to invite first-timers — they can join a call without logging in or install an app. Some experts are wary of Zoom for how it handles personal data, as well as its ability to monitor and report to meeting organizers when you switch to other windows on your computer. That said, Zoom is a uniquely reliable and capable tool. Plus it’s free for groups up to 100, with a 40-minute time limit. Its gallery view is particularly good for big-group meetings because it can display many participants on screen at once (up to 49, depending on your computer’s processing power).


If your top priority is a secure and privacy-respecting option, check out Signal, an app put out by a nonprofit organization focused on user-supported development and privacy preservation. On the “con” side, you’re limited to one-to-one video calling. If that’s not a deal-breaker, know that users report that it works quickly and reliably, even on slow networks. Encryption is standard and always on.

Microsoft Teams

Teams has become a powerful tool in the Office 365 ecosystem, offering robust collaborative work features like file sharing, calendar sharing and collaborative editing. They’ve recently released it for free use with some limitations, like file storage, while the full feature set is available to Office 365 customers only. Teams’ four-person limit for video calls has driven many to Zoom. But if that’s not an issue for you, Teams could be a great option for work or personal use.

Facebook Messenger

Dedicated Facebook users already know about Messenger, a full-featured text and video calling platform integrated into the popular social media platform. This is only an option for those with Facebook accounts. But if you and the people in your circles have them, the quick, integrated access and ease of connecting from a platform you’re already using is a plus. It offers all kinds of fun features, too, like stickers and emojis, a camera mode for capturing photos, and overlay filters for use during video calls.


WhatsApp is another entry in the Facebook orbit — the social networking giant acquired it in 2014 — but it also stands on its own as a solid video calling platform known for secure encrypted connections. WhatsApp rose to worldwide popularity thanks in part to easy of use and lack of text messaging fees. But secure, reliable video calling capabilities make it the most popular global platform for messaging, voice and video calling, with two billion users worldwide and hundreds of millions in India alone.


Skype was an early player in the video calling game, released in 2003 and expanding to more than 600 million users worldwide by 2010. It’s currently available on all popular mobile and computer platforms, emerging as the go-to video calling option for Alexa devices with screens (the Echo lineup), and for Xbox, too. Though this granddaddy of video calling is no longer cutting edge among competing apps, it still offers attractive work features such as file sharing, group screen sharing, and a group grid view so you can see everyone on screen at once.


Discord should be your first stop if you’re looking to talk with friends while playing PC games. It offers chat and voice calling capability across all the usual mobile and computer platforms, and video calling via its Windows app only. It allows you to set up your own Discord “server,” as well as sub-channels for organizing topics, and invite anyone to join. And it shines as a game-streaming platform with in-game overlay options, the ability to run it in a browser, and efficient lightweight coding that doesn’t tax your computer’s resources.


Houseparty is a great option if you’re looking for some little side games to play while video calling with friends. You see and talk with your friends face-to-face on screen while playing mini-games together at the same time like Heads Up, Quick Draw and Trivia. Content tends to be geared toward older kids and adults, and not so much toward young children. You can connect up to eight people at once, and automatically connect via Facebook or Snapchat to see friends who already have the app.

Article source here: The 10 Best Apps for Video Calls

Responding to COVID-19: Working Together To Stay Safe

Like many of you, Protect America is closely monitoring COVID-19 and the updates given by our government officials and healthcare providers.

COVID-19 is rapidly evolving, bringing unprecedented changes to the way we live our day-to-day life. As a company, we understand that the best way to overcome this challenging time is to work together and abide by the policies and procedures made by our government and health protection agencies.

While we’re dedicated to protecting homes and families across the nation, the livelihood of our amazing team also remains a top priority. Therefore, we are actively working to restrain the spread of COVID-19 with a handful of measures.

These steps include the installation of sanitizer stations throughout the building for our team to use. We are also adhering to the social-distancing policy and allowing team members who can work remotely the ability to do so.

For the time being, we will shorten our office’s hours of operation to provide our staff with ample time to thoroughly sanitize and disinfect our building.

Finally, while we may face many changes during these challenging times, what remains the same is our commitment to serving our customers. Our customer support team can address any questions or concerns you may have about your security system  Monday-Friday from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. CST. You can also access our online store that’s open 24/7 by clicking here.

On the weekends, our customer support team will be available from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. CST. As always, our professional monitoring stations will continue serving our customers 24/7.

For more information on how you can keep your family safe during COVID-19, click here or stay up-to-date with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The post Responding to COVID-19: Working Together To Stay Safe appeared first on Protect America Blog.

Article source here: Responding to COVID-19: Working Together To Stay Safe

Article source here:

Responding to COVID-19: Working Together To Stay Safe

Like many of you, Protect America is closely monitoring COVID-19 and the updates given by our government officials and healthcare providers.

COVID-19 is rapidly evolving, bringing unprecedented changes to the way we live our day-to-day life. As a company, we understand that the best way to overcome this challenging time is to work together and abide by the policies and procedures made by our government and health protection agencies.

While we’re dedicated to protecting homes and families across the nation, the livelihood of our amazing team also remains a top priority. Therefore, we are actively working to restrain the spread of COVID-19 with a handful of measures.

These steps include the installation of sanitizer stations throughout the building for our team to use. We are also adhering to the social-distancing policy and allowing team members who can work remotely the ability to do so.

For the time being, we will shorten our office’s hours of operation to provide our staff with ample time to thoroughly sanitize and disinfect our building.

Finally, while we may face many changes during these challenging times, what remains the same is our commitment to serving our customers. Our customer support team can address any questions or concerns you may have about your security system  Monday-Friday from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. CST. You can also access our online store that’s open 24/7 by clicking here.

On the weekends, our customer support team will be available from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. CST. As always, our professional monitoring stations will continue serving our customers 24/7.

For more information on how you can keep your family safe during COVID-19, click here or stay up-to-date with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The post Responding to COVID-19: Working Together To Stay Safe appeared first on Protect America Blog.

Article source here: Responding to COVID-19: Working Together To Stay Safe

Friday, March 27, 2020

6 Best RV Solar Panels and Kits

Woman adding solar panels to an RV

Going Solar

Solar electric power is one of the best things to happen to the RV world.

Here you’ll be introduced to six top RV solar kits that provide silent, low-cost, non-polluting power wherever your travels take you.

Expect to pay about $1.15 to $2.50 per watt for kits that include one or more photovoltaic panels, plus cables and a charge controller. Most kits also require you to buy one or more suitable lead-acid or AGM (absorbent glass mat) batteries at a cost of $100 to $400 depending on size. You may also need an inverter ($50 to $400) if you want to convert the DC battery power to 120-volt AC electricity that plug-in appliances can use. One top-rated kit you’ll discover here comes with everything you need in one complete package.

Article source here: 6 Best RV Solar Panels and Kits

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Your Busted Bumper: Repair or Replace?

Keep Your Smart Home Safe: 5 Free Antivirus Options

Kaspersky Security Cloud Free

Kaspersky Security Cloud Free is a great choice for anyone looking to protect their devices from malware without signing up for a yearly paid subscription. While it is fairly basic like most free software, Kaspersky provides essential protection that will keep users and their computers safe from threats while browsing the web. It also offers support for Android and iOS devices so they can stay just as secure as your home computer.

Article source here: Keep Your Smart Home Safe: 5 Free Antivirus Options

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How to Avoid Deer Ticks

Each year, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reports approximately 30,000 cases of Lyme disease in the U.S. They estimate that up to 10 times as many cases go unreported in the same time period. Lyme disease is serious business, causing joint pain and inflammation, loss of movement in parts of the face, severe headaches, shooting pains in the limbs and occasionally heart palpitations.

What causes Lyme disease? A 3-millimeter arachnid called ixodes scapularis, also known as the deer tick, is the main carrier and spreader of Lyme disease in North America. A 2018 study discovered that of 1,633 captured ticks of various species on Long Island, N.Y., more than half the deer ticks carried Lyme disease. That’s why learning how to avoid deer ticks is so important.

Know Where Ticks Live

According to the CDC, deer ticks and other tick species are most commonly found in grassy or brush covered areas and forests. So do your best to avoid areas with long grass and fallen leaves. If you’re spending time in a forest, try to keep to the paths and avoid thick brush. The CDC publishes a series of maps showing tick hot spots in the U.S., but they’re so widespread that you could be bitten nearly anywhere. Many people report it happening in their backyards. Deer ticks are generally most prevalent in the Eastern half of the country.

Check for Ticks Regularly

According to the Mayo Clinic, removing an infected tick less than 36 hours after being bitten drastically reduces your chances of getting Lyme disease. That’s why doing thorough tick checks is a must if there’s any chance you’ve been in a tick-infested area. Check your (and your children’s) clothing, hair and entire body carefully. If you find a tick, the best way to remove it is with a pair of needle-tip tweezers. Carefully grip the tick’s head and pull straight up, gently and steadily, until the head and mandibles slide out of your skin.

Be sure to inspect any pets that were outside with you. They can get Lyme disease, too.

Use Tick-Repelling Products and Practices

Start by trimming back any long grass near your home and keep it short. Rake up dead leaves in your yard and either burn them, if that’s allowed, or take them to a compost site. Shower as soon as possible after coming in from anywhere ticks might live.

If you live in a rural area where your pet may run loose in possible tick hot spots, consider keeping it on a leash away from these areas.

If you’re especially concerned about minimizing your chances of getting Lyme disease, use insect repellent containing DEET, or a product designed to kill all ticks in a certain area, such as these tick control tubes from Thermacell. You can also buy clothes specially designed to repel insects from companies such as L.L. Bean or Rynoskin.

Article source here: How to Avoid Deer Ticks

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Deal of the Week: Huge Home Renovation Sale

Need something to do around the house? Look no further than Wayfair’s huge home renovation sale. is offering up to 70 percent off all home renovation products. Refresh your kitchen, bathroom, living room or really any space in your home with this awesome sale. Here’s what you need to know ASAP.

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Not all renovations need to be huge or costly. Here are 15 home renovations, that you can complete right now, that will add value to your home.

What’s on Sale?

white subway tile kitchen backsplash

Check out Wayfair’s home renovations sale! The sale includes up to 70 percent off home renovation products. These are our top picks:

Ceramic Subway Tiles

Refresh your home with these cost conscious subway tiles. These timeless tiles will help make your home look clean, modern and fresh for years to come. These ceramic tiles are thick and have a glossy finish. The rectangular shapes give it a modern feel so you won’t need to change it for a long time. The tile comes in individual pieces, which means you can arrange it in any layout you wish, from the basic subway to stunning herringbone. This tile is perfect for backsplashes, showers, accents, indoor walls and can even be used in swimming pools if sealed correctly by your contractor. Get these tiles for $2.99 per square foot.

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English Bronze and Glass Three-Light Dimmable Vanity Light

Showcasing a streamlined design, this vanity light is the perfect pick for any updated space. This design showcases a clean-cut, rectangular backplate, one straight horizontal arm, and three sleek wine glass-shaped shades that can be mounted either up or down depending on your preference. Plus it’s backed by a one-year warranty. Get this light fixture for 18 percent off.

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Center Bar Pull Cabinet Hardware

Is your kitchen and bathroom stuck in the past? No need to call a contractor. Just give your cabinets an easy update with this set of ten sleek bar pulls, right at home in contemporary layouts. Crafted from carbon steel in a solid finish sure to blend in with any color cabinet, these tarnish-resistant pieces are perfect for spaces where splashes and spills are unavoidable. Get this hardware for 62 percent off.

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Advanced Clean Toilet Seat Bidet

Worried about running out of toilet paper? This Transitional Toilet Seat Bidet has the ultimate cleansing experience. It begins with two independent self-cleaning nozzles with four position adjustments. Five level settings for water pressure, water temperature and heated seat temperature allow the freedom to personalize the cleansing experience. Get this bidet for 45 percent off.

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Check out for loads more products that are part of this outdoor sale.

When’s the Sale?

The sale runs now through April 24, but shop early before things sell out.

These 17 smarter renovation and home improvement tips will help you to work smarter in every remodeling or renovation project.

Article source here: Deal of the Week: Huge Home Renovation Sale

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10 Benefits of a Healthy Yard

When you need some rest and relaxation, you don’t need to go far. Your yard can be the perfect place for you and your family to play or chill, and it can offer so much more if managed well. Here are some of the many benefits of a healthy yard.

It Extends Your Living Space

Your yard has the potential to become a true extension of your home. Take a look at how you can add seating areas and/or an outdoor cooking area. Create “rooms” that divide areas that have purpose, using landscaping plants, walls, or simple yard ornaments to mark the space.

It’s a Safe Place for Kids to Play

Kids need a place where they can have fun and feel safe. A recent study indicated that when children have a connection to nature, they tend to be happier while behaving in a more sustainable and altruistic way. Make sure your yard and garden are secure by inspecting fences and gates, especially around pool and storage areas. Give children lots of room to play, keep the areas clear of any hazards and supervise them at all times.

You Can Create a Wildlife Habitat

Instead of going to a zoo or park to view wildlife, create a healthy yard that attracts songbirds, rabbits and other wildlife. The National Wildlife Federation suggests choosing wildlife-friendly plants, seeds and trees that do well in your planting zone and terrain. Don’t forget the tiny communities: toads, salamanders and snails enjoy rotting logs and moist areas under trees. Pollinators like butterflies and honeybees love having a variety of blooms throughout the growing season.

You Will Help the Planet

Healthy mature trees help clean the air of greenhouse gases. They also provide cooling shade that reduces energy consumption. And healthy lawns require fewer, if any, chemicals that can be harmful to people, pets and the planet.

You Can Become More Sustainable

If you plant a fruit- or nut-bearing tree or plant an edible garden, you’re promoting sustainability. Instead of going to the store for apples or beans, pick your home-grown produce at the peak of ripeness. Designate a part of your yard for a garden, or plant vegetables and fruits among flower and landscaping beds. Vegetables like spinach can be harvested more than once in a season if maintained properly. And several studies show that children who are involved in growing vegetables are more willing to eat them.

Keep Your Pets Safe

The yard and garden can also be a safe place for your pets to exercise, play and interact with humans and other pets. Create a yard that’s free of plants and supplies that are toxic to dogs and cats, and check fences and gates to make sure they are secure. Add shade and water features, space to exercise, paths, and nooks and crannies for pets to explore.

It Can Improve Your Physical and Mental Health

Getting your hands dirty is good for you!

A stress-busting microbe that lives in the soil has been found to regulate the human immune system and suppress inflammation, as well as improve mental health. Researchers at the University of Arkansas also found that regular yard work can increase bone density, which can help prevent osteoporosis.

Sitting or walking in your yard for as little as five minutes can alter your mood, according to a recent study published in the Journal of Positive Psychology. Create seating areas and places to pause so you can ground yourself and reduce stress.

It Could Help You Remember

We all forget where we put the keys, or when we are supposed to be in that meeting. But spending time in your yard could benefit your memory. A study from the National Institutes of Health showed that nature walks improved memory in participants who suffered from impairment connected to Major Depressive Disorder (MDD).

You Will Work Smarter, Not Harder

Once you’ve created a healthy, planet-friendly yard, you shouldn’t need to work so hard to maintain it. You’ll spend less time weeding and trimming, or replacing struggling and unhealthy plants. That gives you more time to enjoy the landscape with your family.

Increase Your Property Value

By managing and using your yard regularly, you benefit from its beauty. A lovely yard and garden can also increase the value of your home. Landscaping improvements have an average return of 109 percent for every dollar spent, and potential home buyers are drawn to and value well-landscaped properties. And if you decide to move, it may help you sell your home faster.

Look out your window. Your increased health and happiness is waiting for you — in your own backyard.


Article source here: 10 Benefits of a Healthy Yard

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17 Home Storage Solutions You’ll Thank Us For Later

FH07JUN_482_50_076 sandwich bag parts organizer

Assemble a Sandwich Bag Parts Organizer

Keep screws, connectors, nails and other small parts in sight and handy with this resealable bag holder. You can build it out of a ¾ in. thick scrap of plywood. Start by cutting two pieces of plywood as shown. Draw lines one inch apart across the shorter piece with a square, stopping one inch from the edge. Now cut along the lines with a jigsaw. Screw the two pieces of plywood together and screw the unit to the wall. Fill resealable bags and slip them into the slots. Get more workshop storage solutions here.

Article source here: 17 Home Storage Solutions You’ll Thank Us For Later

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19 Outdoor DIY Projects to Help You Find Some Fresh Air

FH17MAY_578_00_233_hsp patio chairs fire pit

Build These Perfect Patio Chairs

This DIY patio chair is about as close to perfect as you can get. It’s comfortable to sit in for hours at a time. The arms are wide enough to hold a drink. And you’re reclining enough for relaxation, but not so much that you’ll groan every time you get up (unlike most Adirondack chairs). Add any common type of outdoor chair cushion, available at any home center, though it’s fine without one. It’s light enough to move around easily, and you can fit it through a doorway without contortions. Plus it’s inexpensive and easy to build. Learn how to build this patio chair here.

Article source here: 19 Outdoor DIY Projects to Help You Find Some Fresh Air

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30 Things You Should Clean in the Next 30 Days

Cleaning products.

Cleaning Tips and Tricks

You know the obvious — wash your towels and sheets. But what about not-so-obvious items like stovetops and coffee pots? Many items in your closet and pantry deserve a good cleaning too, so you might as well take the time to do it. These are the 13 secrets of people who always have a clean house.

Article source here: 30 Things You Should Clean in the Next 30 Days

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How to Install a TUSHY Spa Bidet Attachment 

Why Install a Bidet?

Toilet paper? Forget about it! Install a bidet attachment instead. In a few steps you can go from TP dependent to a clean and hands-free washer. Bidet attachments fit toilets with round or elongated seats. They’re inexpensive and easy to install. And if you’re a parent like me, the best part about a bidet is that it means no more wiping toddler butts!  

Turn Off the Water 

Locate the shut-off valves behind the toilet and the hot water supply under the sink. Turn them clockwise to shut the water off. If it’s difficult to tell which valve supplies the hot water, turn on the hot water at the faucet and then turn one of the shut-off valves. When the hot water stops running you know you’ve found the right valve.  

Article source here: How to Install a TUSHY Spa Bidet Attachment 

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Stuff We Love: Camper Upgrades

Building the Ultimate Backyard

6 Best RV Solar Panels and Kits

Woman adding solar panels to an RV

Going Solar

Solar electric power is one of the best things to happen to the RV world.

Here you’ll be introduced to six top RV solar kits that provide silent, low-cost, non-polluting power wherever your travels take you.

Expect to pay about $1.15 to $2.50 per watt for kits that include one or more photovoltaic panels, plus cables and a charge controller. Most kits also require you to buy one or more suitable lead-acid or AGM (absorbent glass mat) batteries at a cost of $100 to $400 depending on size. You may also need an inverter ($50 to $400) if you want to convert the DC battery power to 120-volt AC electricity that plug-in appliances can use. One top-rated kit you’ll discover here comes with everything you need in one complete package.

Article source here: 6 Best RV Solar Panels and Kits

Your Busted Bumper: Repair or Replace?

Keep Your Smart Home Safe: 5 Free Antivirus Options

Kaspersky Security Cloud Free

Kaspersky Security Cloud Free is a great choice for anyone looking to protect their devices from malware without signing up for a yearly paid subscription. While it is fairly basic like most free software, Kaspersky provides essential protection that will keep users and their computers safe from threats while browsing the web. It also offers support for Android and iOS devices so they can stay just as secure as your home computer.

Article source here: Keep Your Smart Home Safe: 5 Free Antivirus Options

Why Isn’t My Window Air Conditioner Blowing Cold Air?

When temperatures rise, there are few things as frustrating as a window or room air conditioner that suddenly stops cooling. The problem is...