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Thursday, January 30, 2020

Cell Tower Security Systems: How Do They Work?

Hey, what’s the weather like in Boise? Who won the playoff game yesterday? And who was the governor of Nebraska in 1953? I’m willing to bet almost anyone can gather this information, in relatively short order, via that handy little computer most likely residing in your palm or pocket currently. At the very least, you can text or phone a friend, right?  I’m also willing to bet most of us have expanded our use of mobile devices and signals to include handling previously manual tasks. We shop online, we communicate for work, banking, and commerce, we relate information about our current settings and activities, and we remain connected to friends and loved ones. This is possible because of cellular technology. Security systems can work the same way. Utilizing cell towers, security systems can communicate with the authorities, a monitoring station, and even you.

“Nationwide each year, there are more than 7.5 million property crimes reported, with more than 2.5 million burglaries resulting in billions of dollars in damage and losses.”

Everyone wants to keep their family and home safe. You’re best to be as protected as possible. There are lots of security system options, but there are some distinct reasons why Protect America consistently ranks at the top. Cellular monitoring is only one of the many features we offer. Let’s take a closer look at why this monitoring system surpasses the more traditional monitoring methods.

How to choose the right home security system.

Traditional Home Security Monitoring vs. Cellular Monitoring

For so many families, home security systems have provided protection, safety, and reliable knowledge about the integrity of our residences for many years now. Protection from burglars and intruders, as well as smoke and fire alarms to alert impending danger, are critical components of any home security system. The speed and reliability of notification and response times are also critical factors in the effectiveness of your system. If your alarm system doesn’t notify the proper people, is it really effective?

With traditional monitoring systems, telephone landlines were the most popular choice for connectivity, due to availability. Over time, though, the traditional home phone has fallen out of favor, and with it the reliance on hardwired landlines. Additionally, educated crooks understand that a quick snip of the phone line disables any alarm system relying on said technology.

Advantages of using cell tower security system for monitoring

Some home security companies evolved their connectivity via Wi-Fi. But this still allows for the problem of power outages or lost Wi-Fi signals compromising connectivity with the monitoring station. By moving to cellular signals, the connectivity and reliability of the major network providers allows for uninterrupted signals and much greater monitoring capabilities. Cellular signals only need to be strong enough to send text messages and our systems are able to continually keep you updated and secure regarding the safety of your home and family.

A phone being used to manage a home security and automation system.

How Does Cellular Monitoring Work?

Your cell phone operates by utilizing cellular signal towers and satellites to help transmit a verbal or data signal (texting) to and from your phone. For cellular monitoring, a quite similar process occurs. Here’s a step-by-step breakdown.

The emergency

Anything, from a break in triggering a motion detector or threshold sensor to a smoke alarm being set off, will classify as a security alert. When something is happening at your home, response time can make all the difference.

Signal Transmission

An alarm will sound at the home and an alert will be sent to the control panel. The control panel will contact the monitoring center and the appropriate authorities. An audible alarm will deter most criminals, and the monitoring center will dispatch emergency services quickly.

Cellular Networks

The signal from the control panel is sent through your cellular network to contact Protect America. Protect America then contacts the appropriate authorities. The reliability of the cellular network for signal transmission increases the likelihood of a timely resolution for your security issues.

Remote Monitoring and Notification

In many cases, the property owner can check a live feed of any cameras they have through their mobile devices. They may also receive notifications about any activity on their property including alarms.

Smart home security predictions for 2020.

Confidence and Experience

With 25 years of experience, Protect America has the experience to help you build a customized security system. We offer different types of coverage options to fit your needs and your price range. Above all, we strive to serve our customers well, and to be leaders in our industry. Our customers’ safety is our primary concern. Utilizing technologically advanced options, such as cellular monitoring, helps us provide the best service available.

“Protect America has managed to excel at its customer service so much that the average customer stays with the company for more than 8 years.”

Committing to a security system and company can be overwhelming, and we understand that comparison shopping is smart for any consumer. Visit the Protect America website to check out our equipment and monitoring packages. Protect America offers free quotes for prospective customers. Let Protect America provide the peace of mind that comes from knowing your home is secure.

The post Cell Tower Security Systems: How Do They Work? appeared first on Protect America Blog.

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