Securing your windows against potential intruders is extremely important. Apart from the front door, windows are a common point of entry for intruders. But how do window alarms actually know when an intruder comes in? There are multiple ways. Entry way sensors that detect the opening of windows and doors are most common. Audio window break detection is a great alternative or even a complement to standard entry sensors.
Windows: Breaking vs. Opening
Most alarms detect open windows. And that’s great, but it isn’t the only way that criminals generally get in. A lot of criminals are going to break right through the window, and that means that the window is never actually opened.
To defeat this, security systems today can detect when glass has been broken. One of the most popular methods is through audio window break detection. Audio window break detection detects the sound of glass breaking, which has a very specific register.
How Does Audio Window Break Detection Work?
One of the major advantages to window break detection is that it can detect the sound of glass windows shattering in an entire room. Windows do not need individual protection; glass break detection protects the whole room. This also works for glass doors.
But because the audio window break detection is looking specifically for the sound of breaking glass, it might not trigger if the sound is different or muffled. It may also trigger a false alarm if it hears something similar to breaking glass (or, of course, breaking glass).
And, of course, it only works if the window is broken. If someone manages to force open the window without breaking it, it isn’t going to trigger, and the homeowner may never be aware that their window has been the target of an intruder.
Best location for glass break sensor placement.
Burglar standing at patio door
What Are the Alternatives?
The alternative to audio window break detection is a window sensor that determines when a window is opened. Window sensors have essentially the opposite advantages and disadvantages to glass break detectors. The detect if a window is opened by force, but cannot detect if a window is broken
Because of this, the best type of security is really both sensors and window break detection, and that’s what modern security services can offer. The alarm will go off if it detects shattering glass and if it detects the windows being opened, and that means that a homeowner will be protected regardless of the method used by the intruder.
There’s also another alternative to window break detection and window sensors: motion detectors. Motion detectors are able to detect when motion takes place in the home. You may use them to cover areas where break detection is impractical. This highlights the difference between perimeter and interior security.
- Perimeter security detects when someone has gained access.
- Interior security detects when someone is already inside.
As with many types of security, the real answer is that it’s best to have multiple methods of security system. The more methods of security you have, better protected you are. If sensors and glass break detection all fail, you’ll still have your motion detector.
Can you beat a motion detector?

Do You Need Audio Window Break Detection?
You know how audio detection works right now, but do you need it? It actually depends on your windows and their placement, because that will determine how high risk the area really is.
Glass breaking systems are best used in homes where the glass would make the most sense as an entryway, such as homes that have large window facing relatively private areas of their home, or those who have glass windows in their doors.
There are certain areas and homes in which audio window break detection makes more sense. If there is an area of the house without windows, you do not need window break detection in that area. Second floor windows are not usually broken and probably don’t need this type of protection.
But for ground level, street facing windows, it’s an important addition. The truth is most crime is a matter of opportunity, and if a thief sees a window that they can easily break, they may break that window and be in and out before anyone can ever detect them. It’s comparatively very easy for someone to break a window than it is to force the window open, and some people are desperate.
Ultimately, window break detectors, sensors, and motion detectors can all be fooled, but window break detectors use a very interesting technology that does frequently correctly identify the sound of breaking glass. If you’re at all concerned that criminals could use your windows to gain access to your home, you should consider the advantages of window break detection.
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The post Audio Window Break Detection: How Does it Work? appeared first on Protect America Blog.
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Audio Window Break Detection: How Does it Work?
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