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Friday, August 23, 2024

How to Build a Privacy Fence

How To Build A Privacy Fence

Consider Fence Height

You may build a 6 foot high privacy fence only to find that the next-door neighbors can easily see over when they’re lounging on their deck. Or you may find that your 6 foot tall privacy fence only needed to be 4 feet tall because surrounding areas slope away from your yard. Either way, you’re wasting materials, money and time building a fence that doesn’t suit your yard.

To determine how to build a fence, first consider how high a privacy fence needs to be. It’s also a good idea to have a helper walk around the perimeter with a cardboard screen cut to the height of your proposed fence. Sitting and standing, follow the view above the cardboard as it’s moved to determine the amount of privacy your fence will actually provide as you decide how to build a wood fence.

You can quickly decide how high your fence needs to be or whether it’s impractical to build a fence high enough to screen your yard. Then consider alternatives such as fast growing dense trees or bushes that aren’t subject to the same height restrictions. Or, if you have a patio or spa you’d like to seclude, build a privacy screen just around that area.

Article source here: How to Build a Privacy Fence

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