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Friday, August 28, 2020

6 Best Windshield Wipers for Your Car

Windshield wiper

Choosing Windshield Wipers

Without functional windshield wipers, you won’t get far in your vehicle when it rains or snows. Like most moving vehicle parts, wipers eventually stop working optimally and need to be replaced. When this happens, choosing the best windshield wiper replacements is important for the safety and comfort of your driving experience.

Windshield wiper replacement is a slightly misleading phrase, because it’s almost always only wiper blades that wear out and need replacement. The most important feature to look for in new wiper blades is length. Different vehicles are designed to used wiper blades of different lengths, so make sure you select blades of the right length for your car. Wiper blades also come in several styles: conventional, beam and hybrid.

Conventional blades hold the rubber squeegee in a multi-piece metal frame. Beam blades don’t have a frame, just a single thin piece of flexible material. Hybrid blades are a mix of both. Which blade style you choose depends on your budget and personal preference. Read on to learn about six of the best wipers on the market in various categories.

Article source here: 6 Best Windshield Wipers for Your Car

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