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Monday, December 30, 2019

How to Clean AirPods Without Damaging Them

Why Is It Important to Clean AirPods?

Wireless headphones are among the most convenient ways to listen to music, and no brand of wireless headphone has captured the cultural zeitgeist quite like Apple’s AirPods. But this popular set of Bluetooth headphones comes with a hefty price tag, so you are going to want to make sure that your AirPods stay in excellent condition. Thankfully, upkeep and maintenance of AirPods is fairly simple, as long you stay on top of it and use the correct methods.

Article source here: How to Clean AirPods Without Damaging Them

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Do Not Sell My Info – CA Residents

Article source here: Do Not Sell My Info – CA Residents

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Christmas Tree Recycling: Why You Shouldn’t Just Throw it Out

Why You Should Not Throw Out Your Christmas Tree

Christmas trees are a wonderful holiday tradition, but they only last for around a month before they start to fade and lose their usefulness. Once the holiday season has passed and the needles start to fall more frequently from your tree, the inevitable question pops up: what do you do with a Christmas tree after Christmas has come and gone? Throwing away a Christmas tree is not necessarily bad for the environment; trees are biodegradable, so the worst you’d be doing is filling up your local landfill. But there are ways that you can recycle your tree that will have a positive impact on the environment. What better way to start out the new year than by contributing in a small way to the health of the planet?

How To Recycle a Christmas Tree

There are a few ways to recycle a Christmas tree. First make sure that you’ve removed any ornaments and decorations from the tree, and remember that flocked Christmas trees will typically not be accepted by recycling companies.

Curbside pickup

Many areas across the United States support curbside pickup for recycling Christmas trees for at least a few weeks in January. Check with your local waste management company to see if they will come and pick up your tree and recycle it for you. Some locations may require that you chop the tree into smaller sections, so be sure to inquire about any specific requirements before leaving your tree at the end of your driveway.

Take it to The Home Depot

Following the holiday season, many Home Depot stores partner with tree companies to chip Christmas trees into mulch. Just take your tree to the nearest Home Depot location and drop it off any day after Christmas and they will see to it that your tree is turned into reusable, eco-friendly mulch. If there are no Home Depots in your area, check to see if there are any other nearby recycling centers that will take your tree off your hands.

Mulch the tree yourself

Of course, if you already have access to a large wood chipper you can turn your Christmas tree into mulch all on your own. That mulch can then be used later as part of your spring landscaping or thrown in with the rest of your compost.

Article source here: Christmas Tree Recycling: Why You Shouldn’t Just Throw it Out

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Install a Warm, Moisture-Resistant Basement Subfloor in a Day

Sponsored by Amvic Building System

Converting your basement into a comfortable living space provides more square footage for family activities and it increases the value of your home. In fact, according to some experts, converting your unfinished basement space can return up to 70 percent of your investment when it’s time to sell your home. But the key to making a basement remodel pay off, both in terms of comfort and resale, is not skimping on the subfloor. If you really want to make the remodel worth your while, always start with an insulated, water-resistant subfloor. The AmDry subfloor panels we recommend here were provided by Amvic Building System. They’re easy to install with ordinary tools and a circular saw, making this a great DIY project.

About AmDry Insulated Subfloors

The right subfloor insulates and reduces potential moisture issues.

Several companies make subfloor panels that sit on top of your concrete floor. But many panels don’t include insulation. So the concrete floor sucks heat out of the room, making it uncomfortable. AmDry subfloor panels from Amvic Building System are different. Their insulated panels keep converted spaces warm and cozy. Plus, the panels incorporate water and moisture barriers.

AmDry Sublfoor Panels

AmDry insulated subfloor panels come in two R-values: a 2-in.-thick panel with an R-7 rating, and a 1.6-in.-thick product with an R-5 rating. The R-7 panel has the highest insulating value of all subfloor panels being sold today. AmDry panels are 2 x 4 ft., larger than other subfloor panels sold in home centers. So they’re easier and faster to install. The panels incorporate an expanded polystyrene (EPS) foam layer laminated to an oriented strand board (OSB) top layer. The rigid EPS molded foam contains water drainage/air channels that allow convention airflow under the subfloor to dry up any moisture that might migrate through the concrete.

Since minor flooding from storms or plumbing failures are always a concern when finishing a below-grade space, AmDry is manufactured with a high-impact plastic film vacuum-formed over the entire foam surface, to provide a moisture and mold barrier. Plus, the thick foam layer moves the OSB layer away from the concrete so sits 1 in. to 1.5 in. above the floor to further reduce the possibility of water damage. That means you wind up with a drier basement.

Cover the subfloor with your choice of flooring materials.

Once the AmDry insulated subfloor panels are installed, you can apply any type of flooring like carpet, hardwood, vinyl, laminate, tile or stone. Carpet and hardwood mount directly to the OSB with tack stripping or nails. For vinyl sheeting or tiles, simply apply ¼-in. plywood underlayment before laying the vinyl. If you prefer tile or stone, apply an appropriate tile backer board or start the project with specially designed AmDry Tile subflooring panels. Each AmDry Tile incorporates a magnesium oxide topping that eliminates the need for backer board. Simply apply a modified or non-modified mortar base with a trowel and set the tile or stone.

How to build a subfloor

Prep the floor

AmDry and AmDry Tile panels must be installed on a level floor. Sweep the floor before installation and scrape off any drywall mud or concrete splatters. Then check for evenness using a 36-in. level. The floor must be level within ¼ in. over a 36-in. to 48-in. area, so fill in any depressions with a self-leveling concrete product.

Then put your DIY skills to work.

AmDry panels install easily with basic hand tools and a circular saw—even a DIY novice can do this project. The panels hook fit together with a unique barbed spacer, so they assemble faster and eliminate the issues you normally find with tongue-and-groove panels. Start by setting ½-in. spacers on the floor around the perimeter of the room. Then set the first panel in place. Cut a 4-ft. barbed spacer strip down to 23-½ in. using a pruning shears or fine-tooth saw. Press the barbed spacer into the groove on the end of the first panel. Slide the next panel into place and tap it into the barbed spacer using a rubber mallet. Continue installing each additional panel end-to-end, working your way down the wall. Cut the last panel to fit snugly against the wall spacer.

AmDry Sublfoor Panels

Start the second and succeeding rows by pressing a 4-ft. barbed spacer into the long edge of the last two panels on the preceding row. Use the leftover cutoff section from the preceding panel to start the new row. This method results in staggered joints for maximum stability. Continue laying until the entire floor is covered.

AmDry Tile panels require a slightly different installation method because they connect using glued lap joints. Follow the package instructions for that product.

Cost and Warranty

The 2-in. R-7 panels are the most popular and cost about $25 each. AmDry Tile panels cost a bit more at $29 each. The barbed spacers are sold separately and cost $20 for a bag of 15 4-ft. pieces. The Amdry product can be purchased online from and shipped to the nearest Home Depot store. You’ll need a pickup truck to get them from the store to your house (each pallet weighs 705 lbs). So plan on recruiting helpers to transfer the load piece by piece. The panels come with a 25-year warranty.

For more information on AmDry and AmDry Tile products, visit

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Amvic. The opinions and text are all mine.

Article source here: Install a Warm, Moisture-Resistant Basement Subfloor in a Day

Article source here:

The Easy Way to Melt Ice You Never Knew About (Hint: It’s Not Salt!)

cookingspray_243809152 snow removal shovel

How to Melt Ice

In the dark and cold months of winter, the last thing you want to do is shovel ice and snow from your driveway. We hear ya! While rock salt might be a quick fix to melt ice, it’s not always easy to find once temperatures drop, either. What to do?

Thankfully, winter-proofing your home doesn’t require breaking the bank on rock salt or fancy gadgets. You can create a DIY de-icer with items you already own instead.

This magical ice melter is easy to make, too. In a bucket, combine a half-gallon of hot water, about six drops of dish soap, and ¼ cup of rubbing alcohol. Once you pour the mixture onto your sidewalk or driveway, the snow and ice will begin to bubble up and melt. Just keep a shovel handy to scrape away any leftover pieces of ice.

Why does this simple combo work? Turns out, rubbing alcohol has a much lower freezing point than water (128°F below 0), so it speeds up the melting process and prevent the surface from icing up in the future, Rossen says. He also recommends pouring the mixture into a spray bottle and using it to thaw your car windows.

But that’s not the only way you can winter-proof your house and car without spending a dime. Here are more winter hacks you may want to know and this trick will defrost your windshield in less than one minute.

[Source: NBC News]

Article source here: The Easy Way to Melt Ice You Never Knew About (Hint: It’s Not Salt!)

Article source here:

10 Tips for Cleaning Your Whole House in a Day


Start with Dishes and Laundry

If you need to wash your curtains or bed linens, get them all in the washing machine so they can get cleaned while you work on the rest of the house. If you have dirty dishes in the sink, get those cleaned up and start the dishwasher while you tackle other rooms. Try these 13 laundry tips for hard-to-wash items.

Article source here: 10 Tips for Cleaning Your Whole House in a Day

Article source here:

What is Black Mold?

What is Black Mold?JRJfin/Shutterstock

What is Black Mold?

According to Moldman USA, a mold removal company, black mold has been used by the media to describe mold that produces toxins. Mold that produces toxins is known as Stachybotrys. Mycotoxins found in some mold are found in Stachybotrys but can be found in other mold. Also, the mold is not always black. If you find mold in your bathroom, learn how to clean with bleach in your bathroom safely here. Learn proper mold removal if you find it in your home.

Article source here: What is Black Mold?

Article source here:

How to Troubleshoot Windshield Washers

Checking flow and clearing clogs in your windshield washer

windshield washer

Photo 1: Check pump operation

Follow the windshield washer tubing from the reservoir to the tee. Disconnect the tubing and have a friend press the washer button. A strong stream of washer fluid indicates a good pump but a clogged nozzle.

windshield washer

Photo 2: Blow out the nozzle of your windshield washer

Press a rubber-tipped compressed air gun against the nozzle opening and blow air backward through the nozzle (tubing still disconnected at the cowl). Then reconnect the tubing and try the washers again.

If you press the button for windshield juice and nothing comes out, you probably have a clogged windshield washer nozzle. Start your diagnosis by making sure there’s fluid in the reservoir. If so, check for fluid flow at the tee near the cowl (Photo 1). If that checks out, leave the tubing off the tee and clear out the nozzle with a compressed air gun (Photo 2). However, if you couldn’t get fluid flow at the tee, you probably need a new pump (see our article on “Windshield washer repair” ).

Required Tools for this Windshield Washer Project

Have the necessary tools for this DIY project lined up before you start—you’ll save time and frustration.

  • Air compressor
  • Air hose
  • Rags
You’ll also need a rubber-tipped compressed air gun

Article source here: How to Troubleshoot Windshield Washers

Article source here:

How to Drive Screws Perfectly


Look for Torx-Head Screws

Torx-head screws have been common on automobiles for a long time, but now they’re available for general construction use too. Star-shaped Torx bits fit tightly into the star-shaped recess in the head of the screw, providing a firm grip that rarely slips out or strips the screw head. It’s easier to drive these screws because you don’t have to press down as hard to maintain good bit contact. Plus, most Torx-head screws are premium-quality fasteners available with other features like self-drilling points, self-setting heads and corrosion-resistant coatings.

Torx-head screws require star-shaped bits that are labeled with a ‘T’ followed by a number. Most screw packages include a driver bit, but if yours doesn’t, check the package to see what size is required. If there’s a downside to Torx-head screws, it’s the price. You wouldn’t want to use them to hang drywall.

Article source here: How to Drive Screws Perfectly

Article source here:

Repair a Rear Window Defogger

Last summer you loaded your SUV to the gills with antique furniture. You slammed the back hatch and off you went. Nothing was hitting the rear window before you left, or so you thought. But now that it’s November and the temperature is tumbling, you notice the rear window defogger or car window defroster isn’t working.Checking the rear window, you realize that you broke off one of the electrical tabs for the defogger. Plus, one of the grid lines is scratched. There’s no need to fork over the cash for a new window or pay someone to fix it. You can fix both of these problems yourself for less than $15.

Repair broken electrical contacts on your defogger or car window defroster

Most auto parts stores stock rear window defogger repair kits. The two most popular are the Permatex Complete Rear Window Defogger Repair Kit No. 09117 and the Syon Rear Defogger Repair Kit No. 38-8434. We selected the Permatex kit because it’s widely available and is a complete kit for both repairs. The instructions aren’t as consumer friendly as we’d like, but the kit performed flawlessly.The kits cost less than $20 and include repair instructions. If you only need to repair the tabs, buy the Loctite Rear Window Defogger Tab Adhesive No. 21351.

Sand the Tab


Even though the electrical tabs are soldered onto the defogger grid at the factory, avoid the temptation to solder the replacements. If the heat cracks the glass, you will have to buy a new window. Using the sandpaper from the kit, sand the rough solder surface on the loose tab. Use the alcohol prep to clean the tab and the grid area where the tab broke off.

This Easy Trick Will Defrost Your Car Window In Seconds

Article source here: Repair a Rear Window Defogger

Article source here:

Fireplace Cleaning: When to Clean a Chimney Flue

FH03SEP_03077_040-1200 fireplace cleaning

How to Tell When it’s Time for Chimney Cleaning

There isn’t a simple rule of thumb on how often to clean your chimney, such as cleaning after 50 uses or one year. But it’s still an important task, as a smoky fire without enough oxygen emits lots of unburned tar vapors called “creosote” that can condense inside the fireplace flue and stick to it, possibly leading to a chimney fire. You can reduce creosote buildup in your fireplace flue by providing adequate combustion air, which will encourage a hot, clean-burning fire.

How to Check for Creosote

To check for creosote yourself, first, make sure there’s no downdraft from the chimney. If you feel an airflow, open a door or window on the same floor as the fireplace until the downdraft stops or reverses and air flows up (tape tissue to the fireplace opening and watch its movement). Then, while wearing goggles and a basic disposable dust mask, take a strong flashlight and your fireplace poker and scratch the black surface above the damper (smoke chamber).

If the groove you scratch in the creosote is paper thin, no cleaning is needed. If it’s 1/8 in. thick, schedule a fireplace cleaning soon. If you have ¼ in. of creosote, do not use the fireplace again until it is cleaned—a chimney fire could occur at any time.

The easiest creosote to remove is the feather-light dull gray, brown or black soot. The next form is a black granular accumulation, removed fairly easily with a stiff chimney brush. The third type of creosote is a road tar-like coating that is much harder to remove even with stiff chimney brushes, scrapers or power rotary whips. The final (and most deadly) is a shiny, glaze-like coating on the fireplace flue that is virtually impossible to remove.

Required Tools for Cleaning a Fireplace:

Have the necessary tools for this chimney cleaning DIY project lined up before you start—you’ll save time and frustration.

  • Dust mask
  • Flashlight
  • Safety glasses

Fireplace Cleaning: How to Remove Creosote

You could try to remove creosote yourself, but for a thorough job, call a chimney sweep who’s certified by the Chimney Safety Institute of America. Make sure the sweep you hire ($150 to $200) does more than pushing a brush. A chimney sweep needs to be knowledgeable about building codes, trained to recognize deterioration or venting problems and able to advise you regarding the chimney’s condition. The National Fire Protection Association recommends that chimneys, fireplaces and vents be inspected at least once per year. Here are tips on how to clean a chimney.

Another, idea to try out when it’s time to clean your chimney is a chimney sweep log. A fireplace cleaning log helps to prevent chimney fires and they help remove debris deposited along the chimney walls. These sticky deposits are called creosote. Creosote deposited over a long period becomes highly flammable and it’s often the cause of chimney fires. Creosote removal is vital to your safety. Sweeping logs are popular because of their ease of use for creosote removal. All you have to do is unwrap the log from its package and place it in a lit wood burning fireplace.

Get a chimney sweep log on Amazon.

Chimney Cleaning Cost Tip:

Save money and avoid a long wait by having a chimney inspection and fireplace cleaning in the spring.

Article source here: Fireplace Cleaning: When to Clean a Chimney Flue

Article source here:

10 Best Practices for Winter Driving

Get Your Car ServicedESB Professional/Shutterstock

Get Your Car Serviced

Having your car break down any time of the year is an inconvenience, but in the cold and snow, it can be dangerous. Take your vehicle in for a tune-up, oil change and any needed repairs. Now’s also the best time to check the tread on your tires.

Check out some more of our winter driving tips and learn how to change your own car oil and our expert guide for buying tires.

Article source here: 10 Best Practices for Winter Driving

How to Clean AirPods Without Damaging Them

Why Is It Important to Clean AirPods?

Wireless headphones are among the most convenient ways to listen to music, and no brand of wireless headphone has captured the cultural zeitgeist quite like Apple’s AirPods. But this popular set of Bluetooth headphones comes with a hefty price tag, so you are going to want to make sure that your AirPods stay in excellent condition. Thankfully, upkeep and maintenance of AirPods is fairly simple, as long you stay on top of it and use the correct methods.

Article source here: How to Clean AirPods Without Damaging Them

Do Not Sell My Info – CA Residents

Article source here: Do Not Sell My Info – CA Residents

Christmas Tree Recycling: Why You Shouldn’t Just Throw it Out

Why You Should Not Throw Out Your Christmas Tree

Christmas trees are a wonderful holiday tradition, but they only last for around a month before they start to fade and lose their usefulness. Once the holiday season has passed and the needles start to fall more frequently from your tree, the inevitable question pops up: what do you do with a Christmas tree after Christmas has come and gone? Throwing away a Christmas tree is not necessarily bad for the environment; trees are biodegradable, so the worst you’d be doing is filling up your local landfill. But there are ways that you can recycle your tree that will have a positive impact on the environment. What better way to start out the new year than by contributing in a small way to the health of the planet?

How To Recycle a Christmas Tree

There are a few ways to recycle a Christmas tree. First make sure that you’ve removed any ornaments and decorations from the tree, and remember that flocked Christmas trees will typically not be accepted by recycling companies.

Curbside pickup

Many areas across the United States support curbside pickup for recycling Christmas trees for at least a few weeks in January. Check with your local waste management company to see if they will come and pick up your tree and recycle it for you. Some locations may require that you chop the tree into smaller sections, so be sure to inquire about any specific requirements before leaving your tree at the end of your driveway.

Take it to The Home Depot

Following the holiday season, many Home Depot stores partner with tree companies to chip Christmas trees into mulch. Just take your tree to the nearest Home Depot location and drop it off any day after Christmas and they will see to it that your tree is turned into reusable, eco-friendly mulch. If there are no Home Depots in your area, check to see if there are any other nearby recycling centers that will take your tree off your hands.

Mulch the tree yourself

Of course, if you already have access to a large wood chipper you can turn your Christmas tree into mulch all on your own. That mulch can then be used later as part of your spring landscaping or thrown in with the rest of your compost.

Article source here: Christmas Tree Recycling: Why You Shouldn’t Just Throw it Out

The Easy Way to Melt Ice You Never Knew About (Hint: It’s Not Salt!)

cookingspray_243809152 snow removal shovel

How to Melt Ice

In the dark and cold months of winter, the last thing you want to do is shovel ice and snow from your driveway. We hear ya! While rock salt might be a quick fix to melt ice, it’s not always easy to find once temperatures drop, either. What to do?

Thankfully, winter-proofing your home doesn’t require breaking the bank on rock salt or fancy gadgets. You can create a DIY de-icer with items you already own instead.

This magical ice melter is easy to make, too. In a bucket, combine a half-gallon of hot water, about six drops of dish soap, and 1/4 cup of rubbing alcohol. Once you pour the mixture onto your sidewalk or driveway, the snow and ice will begin to bubble up and melt. Just keep a shovel handy to scrape away any leftover pieces of ice.

Why does this simple combo work? Turns out, rubbing alcohol has a much lower freezing point than water (128°F below 0), so it speeds up the melting process and prevent the surface from icing up in the future, Rossen says. He also recommends pouring the mixture into a spray bottle and using it to thaw your car windows.

But that’s not the only way you can winter-proof your house and car without spending a dime. Here are more winter hacks you may want to know and this trick will defrost your windshield in less than one minute.

[Source: NBC News]

Article source here: The Easy Way to Melt Ice You Never Knew About (Hint: It’s Not Salt!)

10 Tips for Cleaning Your Whole House in a Day


Start with Dishes and Laundry

If you need to wash your curtains or bed linens, get them all in the washing machine so they can get cleaned while you work on the rest of the house. If you have dirty dishes in the sink, get those cleaned up and start the dishwasher while you tackle other rooms. Try these 13 laundry tips for hard-to-wash items.

Article source here: 10 Tips for Cleaning Your Whole House in a Day

Install a Warm, Moisture-Resistant Basement Subfloor in a Day

Sponsored by Amvic Building System

Converting your basement into a comfortable living space provides more square footage for family activities and it increases the value of your home. In fact, according to some experts, converting your unfinished basement space can return up to 70 percent of your investment when it’s time to sell your home. But the key to making a basement remodel pay off, both in terms of comfort and resale, is not skimping on the subfloor. If you really want to make the remodel worth your while, always start with an insulated, water-resistant subfloor. The AmDry subfloor panels we recommend here were provided by Amvic Building System. They’re easy to install with ordinary tools and a circular saw, making this a great DIY project.

About AmDry Insulated Subfloors

The right subfloor insulates and reduces potential moisture issues.

Several companies make subfloor panels that sit on top of your concrete floor. But many panels don’t include insulation. So the concrete floor sucks heat out of the room, making it uncomfortable. AmDry subfloor panels from Amvic Building System are different. Their insulated panels keep converted spaces warm and cozy. Plus, the panels incorporate water and moisture barriers.

AmDry Sublfoor Panels

AmDry insulated subfloor panels come in two R-values: a 2-in.-thick panel with an R-7 rating, and a 1.6-in.-thick product with an R-5 rating. The R-7 panel has the highest insulating value of all subfloor panels being sold today. AmDry panels are 2 x 4 ft., larger than other subfloor panels sold in home centers. So they’re easier and faster to install. The panels incorporate an expanded polystyrene (EPS) foam layer laminated to an oriented strand board (OSB) top layer. The rigid EPS molded foam contains water drainage/air channels that allow convention airflow under the subfloor to dry up any moisture that might migrate through the concrete.

Since minor flooding from storms or plumbing failures are always a concern when finishing a below-grade space, AmDry is manufactured with a high-impact plastic film vacuum-formed over the entire foam surface, to provide a moisture and mold barrier. Plus, the thick foam layer moves the OSB layer away from the concrete so sits 1 in. to 1.5 in. above the floor to further reduce the possibility of water damage. That means you wind up with a drier basement.

Cover the subfloor with your choice of flooring materials.

Once the AmDry insulated subfloor panels are installed, you can apply any type of flooring like carpet, hardwood, vinyl, laminate, tile or stone. Carpet and hardwood mount directly to the OSB with tack stripping or nails. For vinyl sheeting or tiles, simply apply 1/4-in. plywood underlayment before laying the vinyl. If you prefer tile or stone, apply an appropriate tile backer board or start the project with specially designed AmDry Tile subflooring panels. Each AmDry Tile incorporates a magnesium oxide topping that eliminates the need for backer board. Simply apply a modified or non-modified mortar base with a trowel and set the tile or stone.

How to build a subfloor

Prep the floor

AmDry and AmDry Tile panels must be installed on a level floor. Sweep the floor before installation and scrape off any drywall mud or concrete splatters. Then check for evenness using a 36-in. level. The floor must be level within 1/4 in. over a 36-in. to 48-in. area, so fill in any depressions with a self-leveling concrete product.

Then put your DIY skills to work.

AmDry panels install easily with basic hand tools and a circular saw—even a DIY novice can do this project. The panels hook fit together with a unique barbed spacer, so they assemble faster and eliminate the issues you normally find with tongue-and-groove panels. Start by setting 1/2-in. spacers on the floor around the perimeter of the room. Then set the first panel in place. Cut a 4-ft. barbed spacer strip down to 23-1/2 in. using a pruning shears or fine-tooth saw. Press the barbed spacer into the groove on the end of the first panel. Slide the next panel into place and tap it into the barbed spacer using a rubber mallet. Continue installing each additional panel end-to-end, working your way down the wall. Cut the last panel to fit snugly against the wall spacer.

AmDry Sublfoor Panels

Start the second and succeeding rows by pressing a 4-ft. barbed spacer into the long edge of the last two panels on the preceding row. Use the leftover cutoff section from the preceding panel to start the new row. This method results in staggered joints for maximum stability. Continue laying until the entire floor is covered.

AmDry Tile panels require a slightly different installation method because they connect using glued lap joints. Follow the package instructions for that product.

Cost and Warranty

The 2-in. R-7 panels are the most popular and cost about $25 each. AmDry Tile panels cost a bit more at $29 each. The barbed spacers are sold separately and cost $20 for a bag of 15 4-ft. pieces. The Amdry product can be purchased online from and shipped to the nearest Home Depot store. You’ll need a pickup truck to get them from the store to your house (each pallet weighs 705 lbs). So plan on recruiting helpers to transfer the load piece by piece. The panels come with a 25-year warranty.

For more information on AmDry and AmDry Tile products, visit

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Amvic. The opinions and text are all mine.

Article source here: Install a Warm, Moisture-Resistant Basement Subfloor in a Day

How to Troubleshoot Windshield Washers

Checking flow and clearing clogs in your windshield washer

windshield washer

Photo 1: Check pump operation

Follow the windshield washer tubing from the reservoir to the tee. Disconnect the tubing and have a friend press the washer button. A strong stream of washer fluid indicates a good pump but a clogged nozzle.

windshield washer

Photo 2: Blow out the nozzle of your windshield washer

Press a rubber-tipped compressed air gun against the nozzle opening and blow air backward through the nozzle (tubing still disconnected at the cowl). Then reconnect the tubing and try the washers again.

If you press the button for windshield juice and nothing comes out, you probably have a clogged windshield washer nozzle. Start your diagnosis by making sure there’s fluid in the reservoir. If so, check for fluid flow at the tee near the cowl (Photo 1). If that checks out, leave the tubing off the tee and clear out the nozzle with a compressed air gun (Photo 2). However, if you couldn’t get fluid flow at the tee, you probably need a new pump (see our article on “Windshield washer repair” ).

Required Tools for this Windshield Washer Project

Have the necessary tools for this DIY project lined up before you start—you’ll save time and frustration.

  • Air compressor
  • Air hose
  • Rags
You’ll also need a rubber-tipped compressed air gun

Article source here: How to Troubleshoot Windshield Washers

How to Drive Screws Perfectly


Look for Torx-Head Screws

Torx-head screws have been common on automobiles for a long time, but now they’re available for general construction use too. Star-shaped Torx bits fit tightly into the star-shaped recess in the head of the screw, providing a firm grip that rarely slips out or strips the screw head. It’s easier to drive these screws because you don’t have to press down as hard to maintain good bit contact. Plus, most Torx-head screws are premium-quality fasteners available with other features like self-drilling points, self-setting heads and corrosion-resistant coatings.

Torx-head screws require star-shaped bits that are labeled with a ‘T’ followed by a number. Most screw packages include a driver bit, but if yours doesn’t, check the package to see what size is required. If there’s a downside to Torx-head screws, it’s the price. You wouldn’t want to use them to hang drywall.

Article source here: How to Drive Screws Perfectly

What is Black Mold?

What is Black Mold?JRJfin/Shutterstock

What is Black Mold?

According to Moldman USA, a mold removal company, black mold has been used by the media to describe mold that produces toxins. Mold that produces toxins is known as Stachybotrys. Mycotoxins found in some mold are found in Stachybotrys but can be found in other mold. Also, the mold is not always black. If you find mold in your bathroom, learn how to clean with bleach in your bathroom safely here. Learn proper mold removal if you find it in your home.

Article source here: What is Black Mold?

Repair a Rear Window Defogger

Last summer you loaded your SUV to the gills with antique furniture. You slammed the back hatch and off you went. Nothing was hitting the rear window before you left, or so you thought. But now that it’s November and the temperature is tumbling, you notice the rear window defogger or car window defroster isn’t working.Checking the rear window, you realize that you broke off one of the electrical tabs for the defogger. Plus, one of the grid lines is scratched. There’s no need to fork over the cash for a new window or pay someone to fix it. You can fix both of these problems yourself for less than $15.

Repair broken electrical contacts on your defogger or car window defroster

Most auto parts stores stock rear window defogger repair kits. The two most popular are the Permatex Complete Rear Window Defogger Repair Kit No. 09117 and the Syon Rear Defogger Repair Kit No. 38-8434. We selected the Permatex kit because it’s widely available and is a complete kit for both repairs. The instructions aren’t as consumer friendly as we’d like, but the kit performed flawlessly.The kits cost less than $20 and include repair instructions. If you only need to repair the tabs, buy the Loctite Rear Window Defogger Tab Adhesive No. 21351.

Sand the Tab


Even though the electrical tabs are soldered onto the defogger grid at the factory, avoid the temptation to solder the replacements. If the heat cracks the glass, you will have to buy a new window. Using the sandpaper from the kit, sand the rough solder surface on the loose tab. Use the alcohol prep to clean the tab and the grid area where the tab broke off.

This Easy Trick Will Defrost Your Car Window In Seconds

Article source here: Repair a Rear Window Defogger

Fireplace Cleaning: When to Clean a Chimney Flue

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How to Tell When it’s Time for Chimney Cleaning

There isn’t a simple rule of thumb on how often to clean your chimney, such as cleaning after 50 uses or one year. But it’s still an important task, as a smoky fire without enough oxygen emits lots of unburned tar vapors called “creosote” that can condense inside the fireplace flue and stick to it, possibly leading to a chimney fire. You can reduce creosote buildup in your fireplace flue by providing adequate combustion air, which will encourage a hot, clean-burning fire.

How to Check for Creosote

To check for creosote yourself, first, make sure there’s no downdraft from the chimney. If you feel an airflow, open a door or window on the same floor as the fireplace until the downdraft stops or reverses and air flows up (tape tissue to the fireplace opening and watch its movement). Then, while wearing goggles and a basic disposable dust mask, take a strong flashlight and your fireplace poker and scratch the black surface above the damper (smoke chamber).

If the groove you scratch in the creosote is paper thin, no cleaning is needed. If it’s 1/8 in. thick, schedule a fireplace cleaning soon. If you have 1/4 in. of creosote, do not use the fireplace again until it is cleaned—a chimney fire could occur at any time.

The easiest creosote to remove is the feather-light dull gray, brown or black soot. The next form is a black granular accumulation, removed fairly easily with a stiff chimney brush. The third type of creosote is a road tar-like coating that is much harder to remove even with stiff chimney brushes, scrapers or power rotary whips. The final (and most deadly) is a shiny, glaze-like coating on the fireplace flue that is virtually impossible to remove.

Required Tools for Cleaning a Fireplace:

Have the necessary tools for this chimney cleaning DIY project lined up before you start—you’ll save time and frustration.

  • Dust mask
  • Flashlight
  • Safety glasses

Fireplace Cleaning: How to Remove Creosote

You could try to remove creosote yourself, but for a thorough job, call a chimney sweep who’s certified by the Chimney Safety Institute of America. Make sure the sweep you hire ($150 to $200) does more than pushing a brush. A chimney sweep needs to be knowledgeable about building codes, trained to recognize deterioration or venting problems and able to advise you regarding the chimney’s condition. The National Fire Protection Association recommends that chimneys, fireplaces and vents be inspected at least once per year. Here are tips on how to clean a chimney.

Another, idea to try out when it’s time to clean your chimney is a chimney sweep log. A fireplace cleaning log helps to prevent chimney fires and they help remove debris deposited along the chimney walls. These sticky deposits are called creosote. Creosote deposited over a long period becomes highly flammable and it’s often the cause of chimney fires. Creosote removal is vital to your safety. Sweeping logs are popular because of their ease of use for creosote removal. All you have to do is unwrap the log from its package and place it in a lit wood burning fireplace.

Get a chimney sweep log on Amazon.

Chimney Cleaning Cost Tip:

Save money and avoid a long wait by having a chimney inspection and fireplace cleaning in the spring.

Article source here: Fireplace Cleaning: When to Clean a Chimney Flue

How to Use the Amazon Echo Dot to Meet My Goals

So you want to set a goal for yourself. Maybe you want to shift your life in a new direction or make improvements where things are lacking. Let your Amazon Echo help. Keep reading to learn how to use the Amazon Echo Dot to meet your goals.

Sure, sitting down to make a list of goals is the first step to success. So is using your Amazon Echo Dot.

Writing your goals down is a form of accountability. It motivates you to complete them so you can scratch them off, pat yourself on your back and move on to the next big hurdle in your life. But the Amazon Echo Dot can help get you to the finish line. From adopting a healthier lifestyle to opening yourself up to a world of knowledge, the Echo Dot can do it all.

How to Use the Amazon Echo Dot for Fitness

It doesn’t matter if your fitness goal is to just walk a few steps more each day or try out an entirely new workout, the Amazon Echo Dot can help make things easier. Just activate your Alexa Skills to transform your Echo Dot into a virtual trainer. If not a trainer, then at least a resource for helpful fitness and nutritional tips. Some of the best skills you can use to meet your fitness goal are the 7-Minute Workout, ALOP Pilates Class, Fitness Guru and the 5-Minute Plank Workout. Each of these skills makes working out in the comfort of your home not only possible but efficient too. That means you no longer have to stress out about not signing up for that pricey gym membership.

A woman wearing an orange sweater is writing in a planner that's on her lap.

Alexa, Help Me Stay On Top Of My Schedule

The most basic and quintessential way you can stay organized with your Echo Dot is through its integration with your digital calendar, like the Google calendar. This lets you ask Alexa when your next big meeting is at the office or when your kids have their annual checkup at the doctor. Connecting Alexa to your calendar means you don’t have to flip through your agenda, scroll through your phone or sort through emails for an answer. Instead, Alexa can provide you with the information you need in seconds.

The same goes for setting up reminders. Saying, “Alexa, remind me at 7:00 p.m. to turn off the crockpot” will help those of us who are more keen on forgetting the little things.

If you like to use other organizational applications, like Evernote or Todoist, you can still access them with your Echo Dot. To set these applications up with your smart speaker, you’ll need a little help from IFTTT.

A man in a denim button-down shirt is working on his laptop in his home.

Use The Amazon Echo Dot To Learn More

If you’re looking to fill your brain with more knowledge, try doing so with your smart speaker. The Amazon Echo Dot has access to a range of skills and apps that can enhance your learning experience.

Sometimes we come across the most intriguing questions at random moments of our day. Like when you’re cooking spaghetti and suddenly want to know where bolognese sauce came from. Just say “Alexa, ask Wikipedia where in Italy Bolognese sauce is from” and Alexa will tell you. If you need to convert measurements, the Echo Dot can share her knowledge with you upon command. And because Alexa also operates as a calculator, you can use her to learn and solve different calculations.

If you stumble upon an unfamiliar word in a book you’re reading, you can use Alexa for quick definitions thanks to her built-in dictionary. Or if you’re studying a new language, install the Translated skill. This gives you access to translations in 37 languages. You can also ask Alexa to slow down her recitation to help give you more time to practice enunciation.

Finally, improve your spelling and reduce your typos with Alexa’s spell-checking services.

A family enters their home from the front door.

Take Better Care of Yourself

If one of your goals is to take better care of yourself, you can do so by connecting your Amazon Echo Dot to your security system. This integration makes arming your home at night or on your way out in the morning easier. Installing the skill onto your Echo Dot is another way you can stay on top of your security. This includes locking the front door or closing the garage. You can also communicate with other smart devices in your home, like thermostats and light bulbs. This limits the number of times you have to stop what you’re doing to dash over to these devices. Other cool features you can enjoy with Alexa include security questions like, “Alexa, is the front door unlocked?” or “Alexa, is my security system disarmed?”

Connect Your Home with Protect America

Creating a smart home with Protect America gives you access to best-in-class security and smart home equipment. The best part is our security packages are affordable and customizable so families can get the protection they want—and will actually use. Finally, when you choose to monitor your home with Protect America, you’re giving yourself peace of mind knowing your home is being professionally monitored at all hours of the day.

Interested in protecting your home with monitored home security? Click to get a free quote from Protect America.

The post How to Use the Amazon Echo Dot to Meet My Goals appeared first on Protect America Blog.

Article source here: How to Use the Amazon Echo Dot to Meet My Goals

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How to Use the Amazon Echo Dot to Meet My Goals

So you want to set a goal for yourself. Maybe you want to shift your life in a new direction or make improvements where things are lacking. Let your Amazon Echo help. Keep reading to learn how to use the Amazon Echo Dot to meet your goals.

Sure, sitting down to make a list of goals is the first step to success. So is using your Amazon Echo Dot.

Writing your goals down is a form of accountability. It motivates you to complete them so you can scratch them off, pat yourself on your back and move on to the next big hurdle in your life. But the Amazon Echo Dot can help get you to the finish line. From adopting a healthier lifestyle to opening yourself up to a world of knowledge, the Echo Dot can do it all.

How to Use the Amazon Echo Dot for Fitness

It doesn’t matter if your fitness goal is to just walk a few steps more each day or try out an entirely new workout, the Amazon Echo Dot can help make things easier. Just activate your Alexa Skills to transform your Echo Dot into a virtual trainer. If not a trainer, then at least a resource for helpful fitness and nutritional tips. Some of the best skills you can use to meet your fitness goal are the 7-Minute Workout, ALOP Pilates Class, Fitness Guru and the 5-Minute Plank Workout. Each of these skills makes working out in the comfort of your home not only possible but efficient too. That means you no longer have to stress out about not signing up for that pricey gym membership.

A woman wearing an orange sweater is writing in a planner that's on her lap.

Alexa, Help Me Stay On Top Of My Schedule

The most basic and quintessential way you can stay organized with your Echo Dot is through its integration with your digital calendar, like the Google calendar. This lets you ask Alexa when your next big meeting is at the office or when your kids have their annual checkup at the doctor. Connecting Alexa to your calendar means you don’t have to flip through your agenda, scroll through your phone or sort through emails for an answer. Instead, Alexa can provide you with the information you need in seconds.

The same goes for setting up reminders. Saying, “Alexa, remind me at 7:00 p.m. to turn off the crockpot” will help those of us who are more keen on forgetting the little things.

If you like to use other organizational applications, like Evernote or Todoist, you can still access them with your Echo Dot. To set these applications up with your smart speaker, you’ll need a little help from IFTTT.

A man in a denim button-down shirt is working on his laptop in his home.

Use The Amazon Echo Dot To Learn More

If you’re looking to fill your brain with more knowledge, try doing so with your smart speaker. The Amazon Echo Dot has access to a range of skills and apps that can enhance your learning experience.

Sometimes we come across the most intriguing questions at random moments of our day. Like when you’re cooking spaghetti and suddenly want to know where bolognese sauce came from. Just say “Alexa, ask Wikipedia where in Italy Bolognese sauce is from” and Alexa will tell you. If you need to convert measurements, the Echo Dot can share her knowledge with you upon command. And because Alexa also operates as a calculator, you can use her to learn and solve different calculations.

If you stumble upon an unfamiliar word in a book you’re reading, you can use Alexa for quick definitions thanks to her built-in dictionary. Or if you’re studying a new language, install the Translated skill. This gives you access to translations in 37 languages. You can also ask Alexa to slow down her recitation to help give you more time to practice enunciation.

Finally, improve your spelling and reduce your typos with Alexa’s spell-checking services.

A family enters their home from the front door.

Take Better Care of Yourself

If one of your goals is to take better care of yourself, you can do so by connecting your Amazon Echo Dot to your security system. This integration makes arming your home at night or on your way out in the morning easier. Installing the skill onto your Echo Dot is another way you can stay on top of your security. This includes locking the front door or closing the garage. You can also communicate with other smart devices in your home, like thermostats and light bulbs. This limits the number of times you have to stop what you’re doing to dash over to these devices. Other cool features you can enjoy with Alexa include security questions like, “Alexa, is the front door unlocked?” or “Alexa, is my security system disarmed?”

Connect Your Home with Protect America

Creating a smart home with Protect America gives you access to best-in-class security and smart home equipment. The best part is our security packages are affordable and customizable so families can get the protection they want—and will actually use. Finally, when you choose to monitor your home with Protect America, you’re giving yourself peace of mind knowing your home is being professionally monitored at all hours of the day.

Interested in protecting your home with monitored home security? Click to get a free quote from Protect America.

The post How to Use the Amazon Echo Dot to Meet My Goals appeared first on Protect America Blog.

Article source here: How to Use the Amazon Echo Dot to Meet My Goals

Saturday, December 28, 2019

Our Test Kitchen Found the Very Best Coffee Maker

The 12 Best KitchenAid Stand Mixer Attachments You Can Buy on Amazon

KitchenAid Sheet Cutter

Vegetable Sheet Cutter

Trying to eat more fruits and veggies? This sheet cutter attachment ($70) makes it easy. Once connected to your stand mixer’s power hub, a blade effortlessly cuts through fresh zucchini, apples, potatoes and more. The end result is a long ribbon of thinly sliced produce perfect for layering in lasagnas, wrapping around pasta fillings or eating as a snack. The attachment set comes with two blades—one thick and one thin—so you can control the size of each sheet. Try out your new vegetable sheets in one of these top 10 lasagna recipes.

Here are six facts about a KitchenAid mixer you never knew.

Shop Now

Article source here: The 12 Best KitchenAid Stand Mixer Attachments You Can Buy on Amazon

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This Simple Trick Helps You Set the Perfect Table Every Time

You’ve planned the perfect dinner party. The hors d’oeuvres are prepped and assembled. The pot roast is done and warming. The apple-feta tossed salad is crisp. Your friends will be over any minute with giant appetites—and maybe a bottle of wine—in tow. Now, there’s just one thing left to do: set the table.

But suddenly, your mind goes blank. Where do the forks go? Does the napkin go on the left or right? Where do I put the wine glasses? Don’t panic! Just remember the acronym FORKS.

What Does FORKS Stand For?

This easy-to-remember acronym is backed by home cooks and restaurateurs alike. (Southern belle Reese Witherspoon even mentions it in her book Whiskey in a Teacup!)

To use it, go from left to right and spell out:

F: Fork

O: Plate (It’s shaped like the letter “O,” right?)

R: Right side of the plate

K: Knife (The sharp edge used for cutting should be faced inward, toward the plate.)

S: Spoon

Psst…We put 15 of our staffers to the test and asked them to set a table. Only two of them managed to get it right. (That should give you some peace of mind if you feel alone!) Can you believe no follows these 20 dining etiquette rules anymore?

But Does the Napkin Go on the Left or Right?

Since there are a few different ways to set a table (depending on the number of guests, the occasion and how much space is available), the proper placement of dinner napkins is up for debate. However, the two most common places you’ll find napkins are under the fork to the left of the plate or on top of the plate. The latter method allows the guest easy access to unfold it and place it on their lap.

When it comes to drinkware (like water glasses and wine glasses), simply place them above the knives and spoons—aka above the right side of the plate.

For more tips and tricks, check out our complete guide on how to set a table.

Try these tricks to fit everyone at the table.

Article source here: This Simple Trick Helps You Set the Perfect Table Every Time

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How to Coupon, According to People Who Save Thousands Every Year

It’s time to ditch your preconceived notions of coupon shoppers: There are savings to be had! In the digital age, how to coupon has changed and is constantly changing. Sure, you can still clip coupons from a printed publication, but you can also be a stealthy saver by loading coupons to your customer-rewards card linked to the stores where you shop. And that’s just one way to get massive savings with very minimal work. We asked two couponing experts who save thousands each year for their best tips, and this intel does not disappoint. So, forget the term crazy coupon lady. If you’re a crafty couponer, you can score huge savings—and keep more of your hard-earned money in the bank.

Keep an eye out for new products

Yes, companies spend a lot of money on advertising and marketing when they’re introducing a new product. But they also know that word-of-mouth recommendations are extremely important to a product’s success. You can use this knowledge to your advantage, says Becky Beach, a self-proclaimed couponing enthusiast and blogger at who saves around $3,000 each year with her couponing techniques. She suggests reaching out to companies advertising something new on their websites and asking if they’d consider sending you a sample to try. “Most will send me a free product coupon in the mail,” she says. “I then will either redeem the product or sell or trade it on Slick Deals.” If you want to try this, first make sure you know these 13 things deal sites won’t tell you.

Be neighborly

Friendly with the neighbors? Don’t be shy about talking up your coupon habit. They may still have a newspaper subscription and be willing to offer up the coupons from the Sunday paper. Or if you know a particular paper is chock-full of great coupons one week, buy extra copies yourself. “I will then match the coupons up with grocery store circulars that I receive in the mail and subscribe to online,” says Beach. “ is a great site to print out coupons as well, and you can then match those up with circulars, too.” This is a good idea because the circulars will tell you which items are already on sale for the week. Then you can look at the coupons in your stash and see if you can get any additional savings. Using a coupon on an item that’s already on sale delivers the biggest savings. These are the best online sources for the coupons you use most.

Get creative

When learning how to coupon, find ways to double up that are “legal.” Mary Potter Kenyon, author of Coupon Crazy: The Science, Savings, and Stories Behind America’s Extreme Obsession, recommends using a store coupon and a manufacturer’s coupon on the same item for big savings. “Store coupons are essentially special ‘sales’ offered,” she explains. “They are good in that store only. But you can use a manufacturer coupon on top of the store coupon on the same product. Manufacturer coupons are labeled as such. Store coupons will usually have the store logo on them.” When in doubt, ask a store manager if they will honor the coupons together. No matter where you shop, these 50 insider secrets will help you save at all your favorite stores.

Proceed with caution

Just because you have a coupon, you don’t actually need to use it. When is this particularly true? When the deal isn’t that great. “You aren’t saving money if you purchase a pricey product just because you have a coupon for it if you can find a similar and cheaper store-brand version,” says Kenyon. You should also resist the temptation to use a coupon when you don’t really need or want a product. “You will always find coupons for unhealthy frozen food products like pizza rolls and cold cereals, but sometimes it’s worth the extra money and time to make your own pizza rolls or cook up a pot of oatmeal,” explains Kenyon. “In other words, just because you have a coupon, it doesn’t mean you should buy the product.”

Be a trader

Kids trade Pokémon cards they have doubles of or aren’t particularly interested in, and you can apply the same strategy to couponing. Beach notes that it’s easier than ever to trade (even sell) coupons your household doesn’t need. “I go to the Slick Deals coupon forum,” she says. “See how many people are selling and trading coupons? Coupons don’t have a monetary value, but they are still valuable. There are people in other areas of the United States who don’t get the same coupons as you, so will gladly pay or trade for them.” The digital world is always changing, so you need to stay apprised of its latest tricks. Here are some other genius ways to save big online.

Always check to see whether a store accepts coupons

Stores that already offer items at steep discounts may appear to be off-limits for coupon use, but that isn’t necessarily the case. Kenyon, who teaches workshops on how to coupon at community colleges and libraries, points out that Dollar Tree now accepts coupons. “Since everything is $1 at Dollar Tree stores, you can get some amazing savings,” she says. “You never know what you’ll find at the Dollar Tree, but I’ve used many 50-cent coupons on toothpaste there, knocking the price down to 50 cents. I’ve even found Covergirl products that I can use my $1 Covergirl coupons on.”

Check store aisles for coupons

Occasionally, customers may find a coupon dispenser in grocery-store aisles. They usually offer a deal on a new product or even an old favorite with a new-and-improved formula. Keep your eyes peeled for these in case it’s an item on your list. Additionally, look for coupons on product packaging. But be a good member of the couponing community: Don’t peel coupons of packages you don’t intend to purchase. Check out these 13 savvy shopping tricks you’ll wish you knew all along.

Peruse clearance shelves

Just as a department store might have clearance racks, grocery stores have shelves of clearance items. They’re often located off to the side or in a customer-accessible hallway. And, yes, you can use your coupons on those previously reduced products. To make sure the transaction goes smoothly at checkout, Kenyon has some advice. “Perhaps the UPC code is blacked out [on the product] and the checker has to hand-key the price into the register,” she says. “Guess what? Your coupon for that product isn’t going to scan either, because the product wasn’t scanned. She (or he) will have to hand-key the coupon into the system as well. Usually, you can explain this and there will be no problem. Occasionally, the cashier will insist that you ‘already got a good deal’ and you can’t use coupons.” If this happens, politely ask to speak to a manager. If the manager responds with the same answer, Kenyon says it’s best to move on because every store has the right to limit coupon use in their place of business. Learning how to coupon also involves learning good etiquette, especially if you want to shop at that store in the future.

Plan ahead

As is the case with most things in life, couponing works best if you’re organized. Keep coupons filed in something easily portable so that you have them nearby before heading into a brick-and-mortar store or restaurant. Kenyon suggests doing the same for online shopping. “Whether it is for free shipping or 20 percent savings at the checkout, there are plentiful coupons available,” she says. “I also go through Ebates (now Rakuten) with online shopping and get a check four times a year.”

Be mindful of restrictions

No one likes surly customers. Understand that those little pieces of paper or digital downloads do come with some rules. Plus, the landscape is constantly changing. “It’s a whole new world for couponers, and not nearly as much fun as it used to be,” says Kenyon, who notes that companies have put more restrictions on coupon use since the dawn of TV shows like TLC’s Extreme Couponing. “That doesn’t mean consumers can’t still save money with coupons—it just means they have to get more creative and pay attention to sales.” Next, check out these 50 ways to get great deals on anything.

Article source here: How to Coupon, According to People Who Save Thousands Every Year

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10 Mushrooms Growing In Your Grass and What It Means

Button Mushroom ( Agaricus bisporus ) Button Mushrooms, one of the most cultivated mushrooms globally, are prized for their taste and ve...